Period of the zygote and the end
Week 0-2 the first trimester starts-zygote grows by cell division.During the 12-24 hrs the egg will be fertilized. Eggs were ripening in fluid filled sacs. -
end of period of embryo
about 8 weeks, blastocyst is receiving oxygen and nutrients through the primitive circulation system made up of microscopic tunnels that that connect the developing baby to the blood vessels in your uterine wall. Baby hands are forming, the ¨tail¨ is gone, the baby is developing. Baby is the size of a kidney bean. -
Period of embryo
3-8 weeks the umbilical cord extends from the embryo and connects to the placenta.The egg is fertilized. The amniotic fluid is beginning to collect around the ball of cells in the cavity that will become the amino sac. -
continued fetus period
week 27 the fetus is able to hear better. Inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. Measures 14 inches. During the rest of the weeks it begans to develop and gain weight. -
period of fetus
week 9, the fetus is an inch long. The size of a grape. Baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, also teeth star developing. Eyes are formed and positioned to rapid weigh gain. -
during the end of the fetus period
week 9 to birth, the fetus continuous to grow, legs,head,fingers etc. At 10 weeks it starts to swallow and kick. Week 11 its almost fully formed. Week 12 baby starts to open and close its fingers. Mouth will start sucking movements. Intestine will move into abdomen cavity. Week 13 first trimester ends finger prints star to form. It is almost 3 inches long. -
continued to the period of fetus
Second trimester and could be a viable birth. starts-at around week 15 it is the size of an apple. It can now move its joints. Week 20 its the size of a banana. Baby's legs are curled up against its torso. Also you can know what sex its going to be. -
Week 21, its 10 1/2 inches long. size of a carrot. -
week 25 it begins to grow hair. Also its skin begins to smooth out. -
week 28 size of a butternut squash and its begining to meet nutritional demands -
Continued to the fetus
At week 28 The Third trimester starts -It weighs 4 pounds and its the size of a pineapple. Week 37 allow the brain and lungs to fully mature. Weighs 6 1/3 pounds -
the end of the fetus period
Third trimester ends- at week 38 its eyes might change color. Its about 6.8 pounds, has firm grasp. At week 40 the baby is ready to come out weighing about 7 1/2 pounds. Full term pregnancy. Skull bones are not yet fused and this allows it to fit into the birth canal.