Prenatal Development

  • Winning sperm reaches egg

    Winning sperm reaches egg
    Once the winning sperm reaches the egg fertllztion starts to occur
  • Week 1-4

    Week 1-4
    the embryo attaches itself to a tiny yolk sac that provides nourishment. The placenta will be fully formed and take over the transfer of nutrients, And the heart begins to develop.
  • 3-8

    Baby's heart starts beating and eyes, nose, ears, hands and feet and start to form. Along with with process the mother may go suffer fatigue, sore chest and nausea and constant urination.
  • 9-13

    Baby is mostly finished with critical part of development, during this time the baby joints are developed enough will and can start to (move around mother might not feel) and fingernails and tastebuds develop and ending of 1 trimester
  • 14-19

    Now entering the 2 trimester ( The half way mark) , Baby's skeleton changes from soft cartilage to hard bone, umbilical cord grows thicker and even more stronger, genitals scalp and hair starts to appear and taste buds start to fully work. Mom might experience excessive eating and weight gain, Ultra sound is now detectable
  • 20-29

    officially the third trimester in pregnancy, Mother might start feeling kicks and movements, and may experience swelling, Baby starts growing more hair and baby fat and start being more active, Lungs are maturing and head is growing for further brain development.
  • 30-37

    Baby's central nervous system and brain is developing. at around 4 pounds, and more will experience frequent movement.
  • 38-41

    Baby will drop down to pelvis and the mother will go into labor soon.