Prenatal Development

  • Period: to

    Prenatal Devlopment

  • First Month

    First Month
    ~A sperm and egg meet up in the fallopian tube
    ~through fertizilation, a bundle of cells called a blastocyst is formed
    ~This blastocyst is no bigger than a poppy seed
    ~The blastocyst devlopes into an embyro
    ~A primitive face begins to form, a jawline, holes for eyes, etc.
    ~By the end of the first month, the embryo is about 6-7 mm in length (About the size of a grain of rice)
  • Second Month

    Second Month
    ~Facial features begin to develop further
    ~arms and legs begin to form as little nubs
    ~ear flaps take shape
    ~The spinal chord and brain begin to form also
    ~The nervous system and skeletal system take place
    ~The embryo is now a fetus thats about 2.54 cm long
  • Third Month

    Third Month
    ~Arms and legs are fully formed, along with hands and feet
    ~toenails and teeth take form too
    ~cirrcualtory and urinary systems are formed and working
    ~The head gets bigger to accomdate the forming brain
    ~The fetus is now anywhere from 7.6-10 cm long and weighs as much as a singular ounce
  • Month Four

    Month Four
    ~Fingers toes, eyelashes, eyebrows, and nails form
    ~Bones are denser
    ~The nervous system forms, as well as the braim continues to
    ~The fetus is about 6 inches long and weights four ounces
  • Fifth Month

    Fifth Month
    ~Hair grows from baby's head and lanuguo (a fine light hair) coats the babies body
    ~Muscular system developes as the baby begins to move and kick to where the mother can feel
    ~The brain is fully connected to the nervous system and had began function
    ~The fetus is now 10 inches long
  • Sixth Month

    Sixth Month
    ~The babies skin is reddish and wrinkled, and veins are showing
    ~Fingers and toes are visable now
    ~Finger and toe prints are visable
    ~The brain is sending signals to the babies body systems to work together more fluidly now
    ~The baby is a foot long and weighs two pounds
  • Seventh Month

    Seventh Month
    ~fat deposits beign to form on the baby
    ~Baby has fully funtioning muscular system that allowes it to move around in the womb
    ~About 14 inches long, and weighs maybe three pounds.
    ~The brain is taking shape in forming in the shape we know
  • Month Eight

    Month Eight
    ~Maturing muscle movements and fat deposites work together
    ~the baby kicks more, and can see and hear
    ~the brain is rapidly developing
    ~the lungs are immature, but all other systems aren't and are fully functioning
    ~Baby is 18 inches long and weighs maybe five pounds
  • Month Nine

    Month Nine
    ~This is where development happens the quickest in any other stage
    ~lungs are now fully developed
    ~reflexes are coordianted, as it changes position for delivery
    ~The brain is fully formed but will continue develop throughout its early life
    ~its around 18-20 inches and around seven pounds