One Month
In the first month, the baby is about the size of a pinhead. The egg attaches to the uterus, its a critical stage for the brain and spinal cord. Effects on mother, she misses a menstrual period and other signs may not be noticeable yet. -
More Things
https://www.google.com/search?q=9+month+baby+after+birth%5C&espv=2&biw=911&bih=409&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjf_9itwdjPAhUEFT4KHenuBtkQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=MRPCo4bnnl3qCM%3A -
Second Month
In the second month the baby is about 6mm long, Its forming eyes, mouth, ears, and limbs take shape.Bones begin to form. Effect of mother is breasts begin to swell, urinating frequently, and weight gain may total to 2-4 pounds. -
Third Month
The baby is developing nostrils, mouth, lip, teeth buds, and eyelids. Fingers and toes are almost complete. All organs present, nut not mature yet. Affect on mother, the breasts become firmer and fuller and may ache. Fatigue, nausea, and frequent urination may still occur. -
Fourth Month
The baby can suck its thumb, swallow, hiccup, aand move around. Facial features become more clear. Affects on the mother, the abdomen continues to grow slower, morning sickness is usually gone. Appetite increases -
Fifth Month
The baby is getting hair on eyelashes, scalp, and eyebrows appear.Organs are maturing, and the baby becomes more active. The mothers "baby bump" becomes more noticeable.She can feel slight fetal movements, and her posture may be affected. -
Sixth Month
The baby's breathing movements begin and fat deposits under the skin, which then makes the baby seem wrinkled. Mother expierences fetal movements and total weight gain is about 10-12 pounds. -
Seventh Month
The baby will begin to have periods of activity and rest. The mothers posture will be affected more. -
Eight Month
The baby continues to gain weight rapidly and may react to loud noises. Moves in a head down poistion -
Ninth Month
The baby gains weight until a week before birth. Decsends into pelvis ready to be into the world!! Affects on mother are false labor pains may appear. Lightening as the baby moves down, makes it easier for mother to breate