1st month
The baby is only .1mm to .2mm and is called a blastocyst. The baby has already developed all its genetic material and gender has already been decided. -
Period: to
Prenatal Devlopment
2nd Month
The baby has gone from a blastocyst to a zygote. The baby is taking on a more human like form. It is almost an inch long. The heart is beating, the brain is developing and it has all its limbs along with hands and feet, but the eyes are not fully developed. -
3rd Month
The baby is now a fetus and is 2-4 inches long. All the orangs are present and theres even fingernails. The baby is moving but the mother can't feel it. -
4th Month
The baby is 5-6 inches long. and weighs up to 4 oz. The baby's face and heart is full formed, but the lungs are still developing. The baby's eyes can open and close it eyes at this point. -
5th Month
The baby is now 10 oz. and 6-9 inches long. Baby has now developed a fine protective hair. It will devleop fingerprints and teeth buds that will turn into baby teeth. Baby girls will develop ovaries and gender can now been seen. -
6th Month
The baby is about 10 inches long and weighs over a pound. The movement of the baby will be felt by the mother. The vocal cords are functioning. -
7th Month
The baby is starting to develop fat. It is now almost 12 inches long and weighs 2-4 pounds. The baby can see,hear, and taste. The nervous system is rapidly growing. -
8th Month
The baby is about a foot long, and weighs about 5 pounds. The lungs are still developing,but all the other organs are complete. Movement of the baby may slow. Most babies are head down and descending into the pelvic area -
9th Month
Baby's lungs are almost mature, the baby is shedding the protective hair. The baby's brain is growing rapidly. It is about 18-21 inches long and weighs about 6-8 pounds