Prenatal development

  • Week 1

    The male and female reproductive cells unite.
  • Period: to


  • Week 2

    Week 2
    full fertilization will take place at the end of this week.
  • Week 3

    Week 3
    The egg goes through cell division and moves fromthe fallopian tube to the uterus.
  • Week 4

    Week 4
    The amnion and yolk sac are developing.
  • Week 5

    Week 5
    A bulge in the center of the embryo will develop into your baby's heart.
  • week 6

    week 6
    The baby's brain and nervous system are developing.
  • Week 7

    Week 7
    The umbillical cord has formed.
  • Week 8

    Week 8
    The baby's toes and fingers are just beginning to form this week.
  • Week 9

    Week 9
    Your baby may begin moving this week.
  • Week 10

    Week 10
    All vital organs have been formed.
  • Week 11

    Week 11
    The baby is grwoing rapidly. Facial development continues as the ears are almost in their final position.
  • Week 12

    Week 12
    The baby's brain continues to develop, as well as fingernails and toenails. After swallowing amniotic fluid your baby will be able to pass it as urine.
  • Week 13

    Week 13
    This in the beginning of the second trimester. The placenta has developed and is providing oxygen, nutrients, and waste disposal.
  • Week 14

    Week 14
    Some fine hairs have developed on the baby's face. The baby's genitals have fully developed, though they still may be difficult to detect on an ultrasound.
  • Week15

    The baby's skeletal systems continues to develop, as well as muscles. The baby is making lots of movements.
  • Week 16

    Week 16
    The baby can now hold its head erect, and make numerous facial expressions.
  • Week 17

    Week 17
    The placenta is growing to accomodate the baby. It now has thousands of blood vessels.
  • Week 18

    Week 18
    The baby will begin to be able to hear. The baby's bones beginto ossify, or get harder.
  • Week 19

    Week 19
    The baby is covered with a white, waxy substance called vernix caseosa.
  • Week 20

    Week 20
    Halfway mark! the baby is now almost a pound. The growth of the baby is putting pressure of your lungs, stomach, kidneys, and bladder.
  • week 21

    week 21
    The amniotic fluid is starting to serve a new purpose. The baby's intestines have developed and is now able to digest small amounts of sugar.
  • Week 22

    Week 22
    The baby is developing taste buds. The baby can also now feel touch.
  • Week 23

    Week 23
    The baby will now weigh over a pound. The baby will also begin to move with more force.
  • Week 24

    Week 24
    The baby's lungs are developing sufactant, which is a substance taht keeps the air in the sacs in our lungs from collapsing and sticking together.
  • Week 25

    Week 25
    Your baby can finally hear your voice! There is more fetal movement when you are more sedentary.
  • Week 26

    Week 26
    Your baby's eyes will open and begin to blink. The baby is weighing just under two pounds.
  • Week 27

    Week 27
    By this time your baby looks similar to the way that he or she will look like at birth. The baby is a lot smaller and thinner than it will be at birth. Even if you have your baby now it still has a good chance at survival.
  • Week 28

    Week 28
    The baby now weighs a little over two pounds. The baby is rapidly adding layers of fat.
  • Week 29

    Week 29
    The baby is very active. There should be at least twn movements within two hours. If your baby moves less than this, talk to your doctor.
  • Week 30

    Week 30
    The baby is now three pounds. Your baby will start mimicing breathing movements. The baby may even get the hiccups, which you would feel as twitches in your uterus.
  • Week 31

    Week 31
    Your baby is urinating several cups of urine a day. The baby is also swallowing amniotic fluid, which will be completely replaced.
  • Week 32

    Week 32
    The final touches are being placed on your baby. It is now about four pounds.
  • Week 33

    Week 33
    Your baby can now listen, feel and somewhat see. The baby is sleeing a lot, just as a newborn would.
  • Week 34

    Week 34
    The baby has moved into position for delivery.
  • Week 35

    Week 35
    The baby is now five pounds! During this week the baby will begin its most rapid weight gain adding eight to twelve ounces a week.
  • Week 36

    Week 36
    The baby is now almost six pounds.
  • Week 37

    Week 37
    The baby has developed enough coordination to grasp with the fingers. The baby is continuing to gain weight.
  • Week 38

    Week 38
    The baby is about six pounds. It is still gaining fat, but not as quickly.
  • Week 39

    Week 39
    Your body has been supplying antibodies thorough the placenta that will help the baby's immune system fight infection for the first 6-12 months.
  • Week 40

    Week 40
    The baby will be here soon! Only 5% of women deliver on their estimated due dates. You may even expereince false labor.