Month 1
*the embryo splits into two parts
*embryo continues to grow, and a sheet of cells has just begun to create the neural tube, where your baby's brain, spinal cord and backbone will ultimately form. -
Month 2
- your baby's heart will start beating for the first time, but you won't be able to hear it yet *your baby's brain hemispheres are forming and brain waves can now be recorded
Month 3
- the head, which is about half the length of the entire body, is tucked down toward the chest. *your baby's brain is developing at astounding rates about 250,000 neurons are forming every minute.
Month 4
*Your baby's delicate skeleton continues to harden turning from rubbery cartilage into bones
*your baby's arms, legs, and trunk have caught up to the size of its head -
Month 5
*with the bones and nerves in its ears now developed enough to function, it can hear all sorts of sounds
*Your baby's growth spurt at this point is likely because its stomach is now equipped to start absorbing energy-boosting nutrients from the amniotic fluid it's swallowing in there -
Month 6
*the brain is growing and starting to develop more complex neurological connections
*your baby will start getting hair growth on top of his head -
Month 7
*your baby may begin to open its eyes
*your baby will most likely start having dreams as it sleeps -
Month 8
*Your baby's brain is more fully developed with speech and language centers in place
*you will start having practice contractions -
Month 9
*Your baby will be turning and facing head down during this month
* If the baby's head is still up it is considered breached and if that doesn't change on time you will need a C-section