Planning (Prelim)
Planningfor the prelim task was not as thorough as my most recent production. I decided to write as small page and a half script for th group. This contained the character names, (Mr lingard, and the investigator) the setting and lighting that I invisioned was briefly and roughly stated. Oveall the planning was lacklustered when in comparison to my recent piece of work. -
Production (Prelim)
My first production was with a group of 4 others. We spent around 30 minutes filming, we split this up into 3 sections when we filmed each shot 3 times. 2 eye level shots and an establishing shot. We used a tripod and Panasonic camera. We also featured a few different shots, lke the tracking shot at the beginning of the production. -
Post- Production (Prelim)
Since I had not previously used Adobe Premiere Pro, the editing technique was very much a stop and go process. Th cuts were nfar from perfect, the audio was a mismatch a thevolume of the diegetic music was inconsistent. We didn't use a microphone othr than the built in microphone o the camera so sound quality from the actors was poor, and there was a large amount of background noise, meaning that we had to lower the audio to reduce the background sound. -
Planning (Final Product)
When Planning my final product I made sure I had a clear outline of everything I was to be filming. The planning took 3 weeks and I created storyboards and I managed devise a script. This enabled me to film a lot more footage in alot less time with my actors being able to invisage the product that I was aiming for. It also meant that when we got to our location I didn't need to spend too much time talking about what we had to do, as my actors roughly knew whereabouts thy had to be. -
Production (Final Product)
For this filming session, I had one more actor to work with than my previous production. I was also filming in my own home. I had to create an opportunity to film with a house that did not happen to have any family in. I schedualed a 6 hour rcording session for the friday from around 11 oclock to 5 oclock -
Post-Production (Final Product)
This time round editing my piece of work was a much smoother and effiecient process. I used a software that I am much more familiar with than adobe premiere pro.