Period: 250,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE
Period: 200,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE
28,000 BCE
Venus of Willndorf
oolitic limestone, four inch sculpture, owned by nomadic people, fertility idol -
25,500 BCE
Apollo 11 Stones
portable stone, oldest piece found outside of Egypt, created by nomadic people, charcoal stone -
25,000 BCE
Humans in the Americans
Period: 15,200 BCE to 2000 BCE
4200 BCE
Beaker With Ibex Motifs
painted terra cotta, animals in art, the first stamp of a particular craftsman, found in an acropolis -
4000 BCE
Anthropomorphic Stele
Stylized, sand stone figure, associated with religious/burial practices, resembles a human -
3500 BCE
White Temple and Its Ziggurat
mud brick, the Sumerian people invented cuneiform, idea of building up to be closer to the gods -
3000 BCE
Palette of King Narmer
grey wake palette used for paint, subtractive, low relief, iconography present on both sides -
2620 BCE
Seated Scribe
painted limestone, represents the scribe of someone important, literate and educated, buried with the scribe -
2600 BCE
Standard of Ur
narrative in art on registers, depicts peace on the front and war on the back -
2500 BCE
astrological tool used as a place to worship, stones from various places, mortise tenin -
2500 BCE
Probable date of the first iron subjects
2490 BCE
The Great Pyramids
Kufu then Khafre, then Menkaure. Where they were buried with the Kha facing the North so their soul was protected, surrounded by smaller pyramids for wives etc -
Period: 2040 BCE to 1640 BCE
Egypt: Old
1792 BCE
The Code of Hammurabi
Basalt, engraved with the Babylonian laws, hierarchy to scale, set of laws given from the gods and passed to the leaders to enforce amongst their society -
Period: 1550 BCE to 712 BCE
Egypt: New
1500 BCE
The Ambum Stone
greywacke, figure made by subtraction, found near bones, therefore possibly ritualistic -
1473 BCE
Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut
Thutmost erases the women that was before her by destroying everything except this so her should could still live, sculptures offering sacrifices to the gods -
1353 BCE
Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and Three Daughters
create a new religion, chambers behind Thuts tomb, aiming to be more realistic with lines, cotton acting as hands from the sun god -
Period: 1348 BCE to 1320 BCE
1200 BCE
Tlatilco Female Figure
ceramic, figures that depicted everyday life, bifactured, often carried with people -
1200 BCE
The Fall of Troy
776 BCE
First Olympic Games
753 BCE
Rome founded
720 BCE
Neo-Assyrian figures with characteristics from several different animals, apotropaic purpose -
610 BCE
Athenian Agora
town center, pantheistic way leading leads through the agora, commercial civil and social buildings -
530 BCE
ideal marble statues, representative of human anatomy, men always nude, women wearing a peplos -
530 BCE
ideal marble statues, representative of human anatomy, men always nude, women wearing a peplos -
520 BCE
Audience Hall of Darius and Xerxes (Apadana)
imported limestone, hypostyle haul, the gate of all nations, surrounded by lamassu -
Period: 510 BCE to 323 BCE
Greek: Classical
Period: 509 BCE to 27 BCE
Rome: Republic
450 BCE
roman copy was marble, original greek figure was bronze, polykleitos’ cannon of proportion, contrapostic, realism in art begins -
449 BCE
Persian Wars
447 BCE
pantheon made with entasis to correct natural eye distortion, temple of athena nike, victory adjusting her sandal+ wet drapery, plaque of the ergastines, captures greek life in Athens -
323 BCE
Alexander the Great Dies
Period: 323 BCE to 146 BCE
Greek: Hellenistic
100 BCE
Seated Boxer
bronze statue, not an ideal figure, may have bene touched for good luck at the feet, found in gym -
100 BCE
Alexander Mosaic from the House of Faun
mosaic of Alexander the Great conquering the Persians, foreshortening -
44 BCE
The assassination of Julius Caeser
Period: 27 BCE to 284
Rome: Imperial
Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater)
concrete changes the world, important to keep your newly conquered land happy, used for entertainment and courts -
Augustus of Prima Porta
marble statue, many around Rome to know who your leader was, orator pose, early propaganda -
largest unreinforced building, dome, whole in center that allows water into the building but drains in the floor to release water -
Western Rome falls