
Pregnancy Timeline

  • Period: to

    month 1

    -Most women don’t even know they are pregnant in the first month
    of pregnancy.
    -This is typically when expecting mothers notice their period stops.
    -At this stage your baby is still a blob of cells 1cm in length.
    -The heart, spine, lungs, brain, arms and legs start developing now.
  • Period: to

    month 2

    -Mother still can't feel that there is a baby.
    -mother starts showing a little towards the end of the month
    -In the second month baby has grown to 2cm and even has a beating heart.
    -This is the time when the eyes, bones, ankles, elbows and genitals start to form.
  • Period: to

    month 3

    -You will feel your clothes getting tight around your waist and breasts.
    -You may continue to feel tired and have morning sickness.
    -Baby is already 7-8 cm long and moving.
    -All major organs have started to develop and the face starts to look human.
  • Period: to

    month 4

    -Your appetite will increase and morning sickness will go away.
    -Your belly begins to show-you probably will need maternity clothes and bigger bras now
    -The fourth month sees baby moving, swallowing, producing urine and expecting mother’s may start to feel their baby move.
    -The baby is now 13 cm long and its toes, fingernails and genital organs form further.
  • Period: to

    month 5

    -Your uterus has grown to the height of your belly button
    -Your heart beats much faster
    -Your baby grows to 20 cm and even starts to suck its thumb.
    -Babies have regular patterns of sleep now and mothers can feel baby move.
  • Period: to

    month 6

    -If expectant mothers still haven’t felt baby moving, they will surely have by now.
    -The skin on your growing belly may start to itch.
    -Baby is 30 cm and quite active.
    -By this stage hair has started growing and baby’s lungs are fully developed.
  • Period: to

    month 7

    -You may have contractions
    -Your ankles and feet might swell from standing
    -The baby has reached 35cm and is kicking and stretching a lot.
    -The baby responds to sound and can open and close its hands and eyes.
  • Period: to

    month 8

    -You should gain 1 pound a week.
    -You may have shortness of breath as the baby crowds your lungs
    -All of baby’s major development has completed.
    -Baby has almost doubled in weight from the previous month and may start to turn upside down.
  • Period: to

    month 9

    -Your belly button may stick out
    -You can certainly feel every movement your baby makes.
    -The baby generally turns upside down with its head in the pelvic region ready to come out!
    -Baby can be up to 45 cm long and weigh anywhere between 2.5 to 4 kg.