Pregnancy timeline

  • 24 hours

    The baby's first division, the fertilized ovum divides few hours after fusion--divides anew every 12-15 hours.
  • 25 days

    The heart chamber in the baby is developing
  • 32 days

    The arms and Hands start developing
  • 36 days

    Beginning of the primitive vertabrae
    These weeks most development of the fetus
    If fetus continues to grow at this rate entire 9 months baby will be 1.5 tons when birthed
  • 45 days

    Embryo's heart is beating twice as fast as mother's
  • 52 days

    Developing retina, nose and fingers
    Fetus movement in womb is necessary for muscular and skeletal growth
  • 12 weeks

    Sex can be determined
  • Delivery

    Baby will come out head first