Pregnancy Timeline

  • month one

    The mom will find out if they are pregnant by miss periods or taking a test. In the first month of pregnancy the mom will have morning sickness frequently.
  • month 2

    In the second month the baby inside the mom will start to form bones and buds(arms and legs) mom shouldn't have much to any morning sickness
  • month 3

    The third month in the pregnancy is when the embryo is now known as a fetus.The baby will have a sex by now just not noticable,
  • month 4

    Month 4 of the pregnancy the baby should be around 6-7 ounces in weight and the 16-18 week of life.
  • month 5

    week 20 or month 5 you should start to feel the baby move around in the stomach you can see it start kicking and moving from outside the belly.
  • month 6

    month 6 of the baby's life da baby should start to have formed finger prints and hair.
  • month 7

    Month 7 the baby is almost fully developed constantly moving around
  • month 8

    The 8 month the baby is almost done cooking but lungs and main organs but it could also come out early have a premature birth
  • month 9

    This is the last month week 34-36 baby is fully developed and will break the water when it is ready to come out the mother will have go hospital.