Period: to
Pregnancy Month by Month
Month 1
Size of a pinhead
Attached to the uterus
Develops the brain and spinal cord
Internal organs and circulatory system form
Heart begins to beat -
Month 2
Size: 1/4 inch
Face, eyes, ears, and limbs develop.
Bones begin the form -
Month 3
1 Inch
Nostrils, Mouth, Lips, and Eyelids form.
Teeth buds form.
All organs are formed but immature.
Fingers and Toes are almost complete. -
Month 4
3 inches
weighs 1 oz
Is able to suck its thumb, swallow, hiccup, and move around.
Facial features become clearer. -
Month 5
6 1/2- 7 inches.
Grows hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows.
Teeth develop more.
Becomes more active.
Organs continue to mature. -
Month 6
8-10 inches long.
8-12 oz
Fat develops under the skin
Breath like movements begin. -
Month 7
10-12 Inches
1-2 lbs
Has a sleep schedule -
Month 8
14-16 inches.
Rapid weight gain.
Reacts to loud noises.
Moves into head down position. -
Month 9
17-18 inches.
5-6 lbs
Skin becomes smooth
Movement decreases because the womb becomes small.
Acquires disease fighting antibodies.
Descends into pelvis, ready for birth.