month6 baby
Baby- 24 weeks is the earliest a baby can be born
Baby- joints are starting to grow and twitch -
month one mom
Mom- Doesn’t know that she pregnant
Mom-breast start to swell -
month two baby
Baby-almost an inch long
Baby-eyes don’t close, head is the biggest -
month 3 mom
Mom-whatever the mom does affects the baby
Mom- starts to see the baby -
month two mom
Mom-placenta goes through the bloodstream
Mom- has trouble eating -
month 3 baby
Baby- nerves are twitching
Baby- heart beat increases -
month4 baby
Baby- the baby lives in fluid in the mom belly -
month 4 mom
Mom- from the ultrasound the mom can know her due date
Mom-can tell the gender during the ultrasound -
month5 baby
Baby- the baby is able to blink for the first time
Baby-baby swallows the fluid in mom stomach -
month 5 mom
Mom-mom sleeps on her side
Mom- mom can feel the baby moves -
month6 mom
Mom- is passed the sickness stage
Mom- -
month7 baby
Baby- grows eyelashes
Baby- can hear loud sounds -
month7 mom
Mom-protects the baby from bright lights
Mom- back pain -
month one baby
Baby-the heart is the first organ to grow
Baby- start to develope -
month 8 baby
The face is now smooth and getting a little chubby, as baby is laying on fat stores over the next weeks in preparation for life outside the womb. Most babies will have turned head down by this time in preparation for birth. If your baby were to be born now, it would have a greater than 90 per cent chance of survival. -
month 8 mom
Mom- if the mom is stresses the baby heart rate goes