Week 14
Baby: Just about 4 inches long. Baby is standing up straight. Baby is sprouting hair.
Mother: fat is increasing. Less tender breasts and more energy. -
Period: to
Second Trimester
Week 15
Baby: size of a large orange. Is starting to kick. Gaining more baby like features.
Mother: Has gained about five minutes. Possible stuffy nose. -
Week 16
Baby: eyesight developing. Is now the size of an avocado. Transparent skin. Baby can hear voices.
Mom: Top of uterus is about halfway between her pubic bone. Babies movement is able to be felt. -
Week 17
Baby: practice sucking and swallowing. Finger prints are forming. can be startled by noises.
Mama: starts to feel off balance. Drier eyes -
Week 18
Baby: is finally yawning. nervous system is maturing quickly.
Mommy: appetiate increases. cardiovascular system is undergoing dramatic changes. -
Week 19
baby: getting coordinated. Vernix develops.
Mama: Achiness in lower abdoman. redness in skin. -
Week 20
baby: melon-sized. being able to tell if gentials are male or female.
mom: uterus is about level with belly button. more iron needed. -
Week 21
baby: moving more and sleeping. taste buds develope.
Mom: still comfortable. acne increases. spider veings develope -
Week 22
Baby: eyelashes and eyebrows are present. grip, vision, and hearing delevope.
Mama: stretch marks may appear. -
Week 23
Baby: gains a good bit of weight. heartbeat is more present
Mama: feet and ankle swell. blood starts to change in legs -
Week 24
Baby: face is formed c:. Hearing fully developed
Mom: uterus risen above belly botton. signs of preterm labor start to appear -
Week 25
baby: lungs are getting ready for breathing. Nostrills open.
Mama: hair appears more full. moving become more difficult. -
Week 26
Baby: eyes are open. brain-wave activity kicks in.
Mama: blood pressure increases. achy lower half.