The fertilization occurs when the sperm ant the egg meet ant the nucleus of the sperm fuses with the nucleus of the egg cell to form a new single cellcalled a zygote. -
It's when the zygote impantet in the endometrium. -
The human body takes about forty weeks to deb elop in the womb. By the end of eigth weeks all the tissues and organs are formed. The embryo is three centimetres long and weighs only four grams. For then anwards the embryo is called a fetus -
The tissues,andorgans develops further the placenta is fally developed by the ninth week.The fetus is connected to the placenta -
Just before the baby is born the bag of amiotic fluid around hurts.This is called the breaking of the wateters.Normally the baby exits throught the vagina head first.After the baby is born the umbilical cord is compled and then out,about fifteen minutes after the birth the placenta is devilered.This is the after birth.