week 17
It wights about three quarters of a pound. It´s aproximately 10 1/2 inches long, about the size of a carrot. Eyebrows and lids are present now. If you are having a girl, ger vagina has begun as well. -
18 week
the baby will develope enough to see and to hear. he uses these skills before he is born as a way to familiarize with the environment she will live in. Although her eyes are only able to detect the difference between bright light and darkness. -
week 19
the baby has been developing two forms of protection for his skin; lanugo hair and vernix caseosa. The vernix is a thick and creamy white substance that prevents the amniotic fluid from damaging the skin.
Lanugo hair develops all over the body and seems to help the vernix remain attached to the skin. The lanugo will also fall off near the end of your pregnancy. -
week 20
the skin is developing the layers it needs to provide protection to the bones, muscles and other tissues underneath. This thickening process will make her skin opaque .At the end of the 20th week your baby will be around 7.5 inches and weigh 1 pound,