Major reflexes
he baby has reached a point where movements are being felt more often by the mom. The eyebrows and eyelashes grow in, and tiny nails have begun to grow on the fingers and toes. The skin of the fetus is going through many changes and begins to produce vernix at the twentieth week. Vernix is a white pasty substance that covers the fetus’s skin to protect it from amniotic fluid. A fetal heartbeat could be heard by a stethoscope now. The fetus has reached a length of 8 inches and weighs about 12 oun -
Also called vernix caseosa. A cheesy, white substance that covers a baby's skin at birth. The vernix is secreted by the sebaceous glands around the 20th week to protect the baby's skin from the amniotic fluid. -
Lanugo developed
The fine, downy hair that often covers the shoulders, back, forehead, and cheeks of a prematurely born newborn infant. Lanugo is replaced by more normal appearing hair toward the end of gestation. Lanugo is a sign of prematurity. -
Last Mentrual cycle
Shedding the lining of the uterus -
1st trimester
The amniotic sac is a water-tight sac that forms around the fertilized egg. It helps cushion the growing embryo throughout pregnancy. The placenta also develops at this point in the first trimester. The placenta is a round, flat organ that transfers nutrients from the mother to the baby, and transfers waste from the baby. A primitive face takes form with large dark circles for eyes. The mouth, lower jaw, and throat are developing. Blood cells are taking shape, and circulation will begin. By -
Period: to
40 weeks
Egg is let out of the ovary and into the Fallopian Tube -
The sperm combines with the egg. -
Embryonic Stage
Brain, spinal cord, and heart are findable. Heart pumps blood -
Adheres to the lining of the uterus -
he baby has reached a point where movements are being felt more often by the mom. The eyebrows and eyelashes grow in, and tiny nails have begun to grow on the fingers and toes. The skin of the fetus is going through many changes and begins to produce vernix at the twentieth week. Vernix is a white pasty substance that covers the fetus’s skin to protect it from amniotic fluid. A fetal heartbeat could be heard by a stethoscope now. The fetus has reached a length of 8 inches and weighs about 12 oun -
Embryonic Stage 2
Arms and legs sprout and take shape. By the end of this stage, fingers and toes are discernible. Hair begins to appear. Near the end of the embryonic stage, recordable brain activity appears and influences the movements of muscles. This is the stage of prenatal development during which drugs, toxins, radiation and infection can be most damaging. Expectant mothers should take care to avoid these as much as possible. -
Size month 2
he baby has reached a point where movements are being felt more often by the mom. The eyebrows and eyelashes grow in, and tiny nails have begun to grow on the fingers and toes. The skin of the fetus is going through many changes and begins to produce vernix at the twentieth week. Vernix is a white pasty substance that covers the fetus’s skin to protect it from amniotic fluid. A fetal heartbeat could be heard by a stethoscope now. The fetus has reached a length of 8 inches and weighs about 12 oun -
Fetal Stage
By the beginning of this stage, the fetus has all of the body parts that an adult has. The muscles cause the body parts to move in coordinated ways, and the organ systems begin to function. -
Just before the eighth week of gestation, an embryo develops its first sensitivity to touch. The first parts of its body to experience sensitivity are the ones that are the most sensitive in adults. -
Fetal Stage 2
the stomach begins to produce digestive juices. -
Size month 3
Baby is 2-1/2 to 3 inches long.
Weight is about 1/2 to 1 ounce.
Baby develops recognizable form.
Nails start to develop and earlobes are formed.
Arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet and toes are fully formed.
Eyes are almost fully developed.
Baby has developed most organs and tissues.
Baby's heart rate can be heard at 10 weeks with a special instrument called a Doppler. -
Fetal Stage 3
The fetus gets all of his oxygen from the mother via the placenta, but breathing of the amniotic fluid occurs. Similarly, the fetus swallows and expels amniotic fluid from the digestive system. -
Size Month 4
Baby is 6-1/2 to 7 inches long.
Weight is about 6 to 7 ounces.
Baby is developing reflexes, such as sucking and swallowing, and may begin sucking thumb.
Tooth buds are developing.
Sweat glands are forming on palms and soles.
Fingers and toes are well defined.
Gender is identifiable.
Skin is bright pink, transparent and covered with soft, downy hair.
Although recognizably human in appearance, the baby would not be able to survive outside the mother’s body. -
Size month 5
Baby is 8 to 10 inches long.
Weight is about 1 pound.
Hair begins to grow on baby’s head.
Soft woolly hair called lanugo covers baby’s body. Some may remain until a week after birth when it is shed.
Mother begins to feel fetal movement.
Internal organs are maturing.
Eyebrows, eyelids and eyelashes appear. -
2nd trimester
As you enter your second trimester of pregnancy, the morning sickness and fatigue that plagued you during the last three months should be fading, leaving you feeling more energetic and like your old self again. The second trimester is, for many women, the easiest three months of pregnancy. Take the time now, while you're feeling better and your energy is up, to start planning for your baby's arrival. During the second trimester, your baby is growing quickly. Between your 18th and 22nd week of -
Sex determination
This is based on the technician’s recognition of its male or female genitals. Before 18 weeks of gestation, male and female sex organs can appear similar, which is why most ultrasounds are performed after this point of fetal development. No obvious evidence of a penis may lead to the assumption that the baby is a girl, but this is not 100% proof, so if you’re having an ultrasound to find out the gender of your baby, be sure to ask the technician how clearly he or she can see the baby’s genitals -
Size month 6
Baby is 11 to 14 inches long.
Weight is about 1-3/4 to 2 pounds.
Eyelids begin to part and eyes open sometimes for short periods of time.
Skin is covered with protective coating called vernix.
Baby is able to hiccup. -
3rd trimester
The end of your pregnancy is near! By now, you might be tired of being pregnant — and eager to meet your baby face to face. Your uterus, however, is still a busy place. Understand how fetal development continues as you approach your due date. Here's a weekly calendar of events for the third trimester. Keep in mind that measurements are approximate. Week 28: Baby's eyes open Twenty-eight weeks into your pregnancy, or 26 weeks after conception, your baby's eyelids are partially open and eyelas -
Size month 7
Baby is 14 to 16 inches long.
Weight is about 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 pounds.
Taste buds have developed.
Fat layers are forming.
Organs are maturing.
Skin is still wrinkled and red.
If born at this time, the baby will be considered premature and require special care. -
Fat accumlation
- Total skinfold thicknesses (sum of seven sites) were measured in fifty-seven pregnant women with low energy and protein intake, at weeks 24, 30 and 35 of gestation. 2. Women were classified in two groups (overweight and low weight), according to their weight-for-height at week 24 of gestation. 3. Half of the women did not increase, or even reduced the amount of subcutaneous fat during the observation period. The lowest mean value of total skinfold thickness was found in the low-weight women w
Size month 8
•Baby is 16-1/2 to 18 inches long.
•Weight is about 4 to 6 pounds.
•Overall growth is rapid this month.
•Tremendous brain growth occurs at this time.
• Most body organs are now developed, except for the lungs.
•Movements or “kicks” are strong enough to be visible from the outside.
•Kidneys are mature.
•Skin is less wrinkled.
•Fingernails now extend beyond fingertips. -
Size month 9
•Baby is 19 to 20 inches long.
•Weight is about 7 to 7-1/2 pounds.
•The lungs are mature.
•Baby is now fully developed and can survive outside the mother’s body.
•Skin is pink and smooth.
•The baby settles down lower in the abdomen to prepare for birth and may seem less active -
Stages of labor 1st stage
The first stage begins when you start having contractions that cause progressive changes in your cervix and ends when your cervix is fully dilated. This stage is divided into two phases:
•Early labor: Your cervix gradually effaces (thins out) and dilates (opens).
•Active labor: Your cervix begins to dilate more rapidly, and contractions are longer, stronger, and closer together. People often refer to the last part of active labor as transition. -
2nd stage of labor
The second stage of labor begins when you're fully dilated and ends with the birth of your baby. This is sometimes referred to as the "pushing" stage. -
3rd stage of labor
The third stage begins right after the birth of your baby and ends with the delivery of the placenta. Every pregnancy is different, and there's wide variation in the length of labor. For first-time moms, labor often takes between ten and 20 hours. For some women, though, it lasts much longer, while for others it's over much sooner. Labor generally progresses more quickly for women who've already given birth vaginally. -
New born baby
The first month or two of your baby's life are an intense time. You may find yourself more "in love" than you thought possible – or it may take longer to feel truly bonded. It's also a time of hard work and little sleep. The better prepared you are for this time, the smoother the transition will be.