Period: to
Pregnancy TimeSpan
Month One - Baby
At two weeks im the size of a pin head. my internal organs and circulatory system are begin to form and my heart begins o beat. -
Month One - Mommy
I have just missed my period. Signs of pregnacy have not yet started showing. -
Month Two - Mom
My breasts have begun to swell. Im having to pee more often and haveing morning sickness. -
Month Two - Baby
Im about one fourth of an inch in size now. My face, eyes, and limbs are beging to take shape. -
Month Three - Mom
My breasts are becoming firmer and fuller. My uterus is about the size of an orange and I have agined about four pounds. -
Month Three - Baby
Im have now grown to the size of an inch. My nostrils, mouth, lips, teeth buds, and eyelids are beging to form. My fingers and toes are almost complete and all my organs are immature but present. -
Month Four - Baby
I am not three inches long and I weight 1 ounce. I can now suck my thumb, hiccup, and move around. -
Month Four - Mom
My abdomen has begun to grow slowly. The majority of my morning sickness is over. I have an increase in my appetite. -
Month Five - Baby
I have grown to be about 6-7 inches long and I weigh about 4-5 ounces. My hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows appear. My teeth continue to develope. My organs are maturing and im more active. -
Month Five - Mom
My abdomen has become apparent. Ive felf slight fetal movements. -
Month Six - Baby
I have grown to be 9 inches and 9 ounces. My breathing movements have begun. -
Month Six - Mom
My baby has started kicking, thumping, and bumping around. Ive gained 12 pounds. -
Month Seven - Baby
Im 11 inches now and I weigh a pound and a half. -
Month Seven - Mom
My increased size is affecting my posture. -
Month Eight - Baby
Im 15 inches long and I weigh a total of 2 and a half pounds. My weight will start to gain rapidly. I move into the head down position. -
Month Eight - Mom
My increased size has caused me discomfort. Im having back achs and leg cramps. I have gained about 20 pounds. -
Month nine - Baby
I weigh about 6 pounds and am at the length of 18 inches. Im getting big so I dont have as much room to move. Im ready for birth! -
Month Nine - Mom
My baby has dropped into fetal position. Ive gained a total of 35 pounds.