First Trimester
Weeks 1-4
-Baby begins to take shape
-Specialized parts of body begin to develop
-It is still a bundle of celld put together
-red blood cells from yolk sac (circulatoy system)
-protection for the baby -
Weeks 5-8
-Heart and Circulatory system
-Face begins to take shape
-Brain forms
-Arms, Legs, Eye, Jaws, Tail
-Hand with Fingers -
Weeks 9-13
-Now looks like a human
-Building of Muscles
-Build of bones and cartilage
-Size of a peach
-Finger prints -
Second Trimester
Weekds 13-17
-Eye cover up the eye
-All main parts of face and body are well made up
-Baby is now moving limbs greatly -
Weeks 18-21
-Fetus weighs about 10 to 11 ounces
-Lanugo is around baby
-Skalp is hard
-Skin is resistant -
Weeks 21-24
-Fetus will weight about two pounds
-Back bone will be over 9 inches
-Skin is red and wrincled -
Third Trimester
Weeks 25-28
-Eyelashes form
-Eyeslids partially open
-2 ¼ pounds
-10 inches
-genitals begin to come out
-Starts to generate fat -
29-35 Weeks
-Nervous system develops
-Absorbs vital nutrients
-Detects light
-Protective coat thickens -
Weeks 35-41
-Organs are ready to function on their own
-Genitals do their final things
-Placenta provides anti bodies
-Due Date arrives