

  • First month

    First month
    The earliest symptoms of pregnancy differ from person to person. For most, this is the month you discover you’re pregnant – and that positive pregnancy test (and a missed period) may be the only sign you have.
  • Second month

    Second month
    Baby goes from blastocyst to zygote, as that dividing ball of cells takes on a more human form. You may be experiencing a change, too, as your body and mind adjust to your new role as mom-to-be.
  • Third month

    Third month
    You’re reaching the end of your first trimester, and your body is adjusting to the shifting hormone levels. By the end of the third month, your baby is fully developed.
  • Fourth month

    Fourth month
    Hormones settle, morning sickness fades, and you start to feel normal again. You also start showing – Your baby is five to six inches long and weighs up to four ounces. Baby’s face and heart are fully formed at this point, though the lungs are still developing
  • Fifth month

    Fifth month
    Your baby is now about 10 ounces and six to nine inches long. Baby is covered with a fine protective hair. This month he or she will develop fingerprints and permanent teeth buds behind fully formed baby teeth. Little girls’ ovaries also develop at this time, and sex may be determined through ultrasound.
  • Sixth month

    Sixth month
    You’ll be aware of baby’s movements as he or she stretches and hiccups. Baby’s eyes now open and close, vocal cords are functioning, and “finishing touches” like eyebrows have formed.
  • Seventh month

    Seventh month
    The fetus at seven months is becoming more baby-like. Time to start thinking about maternity leaves and birth plan.
    Your child can now see, hear and taste, and the brain and nervous system are growing rapidly.
  • Eight month

    Eight month
    Your baby’s brainwaves resemble those of a newborn by this time. He may be a foot (12 inches) or longer and weigh about five pounds. The lungs and brain are continuing to develop and other body systems are refining to be ready for living outside of you. Movements may slow as the baby fills more of the uterus and has less room to stretch. By the end of the month, most babies are head down and descending into the pelvic area.
  • Ninth month

    Ninth month
    The countdown to baby’s birthday begins. You may be tired one minute and energetic the next, as you anxiously wait for baby’s arrival.
    Baby’s lungs are maturing, and he or she is shedding the layer of hair that protected him or her in the uterus. Your baby’s brain is growing tremendously this last month. Baby measures about 18 to 21 inches long and weighs about six to eight pounds.