Period: to
Pregnancy && Prenatel Development
Month 1
Baby - At one month the baby is the size of a pin head . Critical stage for brain & spinal cord development . Internal organs & circulatory system begin to form. The heart begins to beat .
Mother - Missed Period , & Other signs of pregnancy are not noticeable yet , -
Month 2
Baby - Is 1/4th Inch. Face , eyes , ears , and limbs take shape & bones begin to form
Mother - Breasts begin to smell , pressure on blatter from enlarging uterus results in need to urinate more frequently. -
Month 3
Baby - About 1 Inch . Nostrils , mouth , lips , teeth buds , & eyelids form . Fingers & toes almost complete. All organs are present but immature .
Mother - Breasts become firmer and fuller and may ache . Nuasea , fatigue , & frequent urination may continue . Abdomen become slightly larger the ururus is about the size of a orange weight gang may total to 2-4 pounds . -
Month 4
Baby - About 3 Inches & 1 Ounce , Can Suck Its Thumb , Swallow , Hiccup & Move Around , Facial Features Become Clearer .
Mother - Abdomen Continues To Grow Slowly , Discomforts Of Early Pregnancy Are Gone , Appetite Increases . -
Month 5
Baby - Size About 61/2 - 7 Inches & 1 Ounce , hair , eyelashes & eyebrows appear . Teeth continue to develope . organs are maturing . Becomes more active .
Mother- Enlarged Abdomn becomes noticable . Can feel baby moving . Increse size may begin to effect posture -
Month 6
Baby- about 8 to 10 inches & 1-12 ounces . Breathing movements begin .
Mother- can feel srong kicks , thumos & bumps . some may be visible . weight gang 10-12 pounds . -
Month 7
Baby- about 10-12 inches , 1/2 - 2 pounds . periods of sctivity followed by period of rest ,
Mother- Posture may be affected more . -
Month 9
Baby - 17 - 18 Inches & 5- 6 Pounds . Skin Becomes Smooth , Movements Decrase Because The Fetus Has No Room , Descends Into Head Down Positions .
Mother - "Lightening" Felt As The Fetus Drops Into Pelvis , Total Weight Gain Of 25 - 30 Pounds Is Normal & False Labor Pains May Be Experienced . -
Month 8
Baby - 14 - 16 Inches & 2 1/2 - 3 Pounds . Weight Gain Continues Rapidly , May React To Loud Noises , Moves Into Head Down Position .
Mother - Backaches , Cramps , Shortness Of Breathe & Fatigue Are Common & Weight Gain 18 - 20 Pounds .