
Predicted Change in Schools 2013 - 2020

  • current state of play

    current state of play
    currently students are in school 5 days per week. Some students bring their own technology to school. Some use School owned technology. Some Get very little access to any Technology. Students are taught one of 4 possible surriculum rangin for didactic lecture driven curriculums to inquiry model or project based curriculum. The current environment is a higjhly tested, standardised and analysed sausage factory model mostly teacher centric
  • Period: to

    Time for a change

    This timeline predicts possible changes in GEMS schools between the present day and 2020.
  • Teacher Professional Development

    Teacher Professional Development
    Teachers need to be given a comprehensive upgrade in the use of digital technologies for learning. this constitutes not only a a skillset development for use digital components for teacher administration and personal use. But also the development of transformative digital pedagogies that make optimum use of the technology that students bring with them to the classroom. Allows for highly personlaised learning opportunities for students.
  • BYOD

    By the new 2014 -2015 Academic year. Schools Should be totally committed to a full BYOD program from FS 3 onwards. This would be evidneced in the change in the purchasing of school owned technology and software and be preceeded by an upgrade to the school wireless network infrstructure.
  • learning Beyond time frames and geographies.

    learning Beyond time frames and geographies.
    Putting studenst and classes in satelittes not necesarily on the school site any more. Flipped ;learning that allows students flexibitlity in where and when they learn. Teachers meeting students online via social media and students collaborating across GEMS schools through virtual classes Faciltated by Teacher in school "A" but students in the cohort may come from school "B,C & D"
  • Home and school merge

    Home and school merge
    Schools go "online" with some courses. Students view school as a "Base Camp" But through out the week they may have online classes that they log into from home. Students become much more autonomous and independent in their learning. Older sstudents may be in school three days and work from home 2 days. Teachers may deliver synchronous classes through avatars or a synchronosus modules of work through various media. Communication models change to accommodate.
  • Learning at own pace... the new class structure

    Learning at own pace... the new class structure
    The currciulum becomes highly personalised. Students move through the currciulum at theoir own pace and according to their own ability not the collective speed of the cohort. Some students maybe be at a high level for one particular subject but at another poitn with the rest of their subjects. There is flexiblity in how each student works thorugh various levels and standardised testing is less prevalent however, students can choose to take mastery tests at any time that's appropriate.
  • employment preparedness

    employment preparedness
    A large focus on vocational training as well as academic. Students are able to choose a learning pathway that takes them through industry related study, work place experience and access to industry experts through online learning. School building are developed to cope with a larger range of subject choices through links with industry and internship opportunitites.