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  • The Mayflower lands at Plymouth Rock

    The Mayflower lands at Plymouth Rock
    The Mayflower achieved recognition in Plymouth Harbor in 1620, following in position or time first stopping familiar contemporary Provincetown. According to oral established practice, Plymouth Rock happen the site place William Bradford and other Pilgrims first set twelve inches/30.48 centimeters measured onto land from water
  • Pennsylvania Becomes a Colony

    Pennsylvania Becomes a Colony
    The Ruler marked the Constitution of Pennsylvania on Walk 4, 1681, and it was announced on April 2. The Lord named the modern colony in honor of William Penn's father. It was to incorporate the arrival between the 39th and 42nd degrees of north scope and from the Delaware Waterway westbound for five degrees of longitude
  • Period: to

    The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War started in 1754 and followed the Treaty of Paris fashionable 1763. The war supported Great Britain very large regional gains in North America, but disputes over unoccupied areas of land procedure and repaying the war's expense guided physically to pioneering dissatisfaction, and eventually to the American Revolution.
  • The Sugar act

    The Sugar act
    Sugar Act, otherwise known as Plantation Act or Revenue Act, (1764), fashionable U.S. relating to a dependent or new territory experiences, British law of a government proposed at conclusion the bootlegging maintain sweet substance and sweet liquid from the French and Dutch West Indies and at providing raised revenues to fund increased British Empire blame following the French and Indian
  • The Currency Act

    The Currency Act
    The Cash Act or Paper Bills of Credit Act is one of a few Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain that controlled notes issued by the colonies of British America. The Acts looked to secure British shippers and banks from being paid in devalued colonial currency.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    On the day March 24 1765, the British Parliament give the Quartering Act, individual of a succession of measures generally proposed at lift income from the British community in America, this act did also require colonial government to pay and feed troops in their colony
  • The Townshend Revenue Act

    The Townshend Revenue Act
    The Townshend Acts, chosen following in position or time Charles Townshend, British chancellor of the Exchequer, dictate moral obligation ahead of British China, objects used for drinking liquids, lead, paint, paper and beverage imported to the community. He supposed the tax on foreign goods would raise nearly 40,000 pounds, accompanying most of the income coming from beverage
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    Pressures started to develop, and in Boston in February 1770 a nationalist swarm assaulted a British supporter, who fired a weapon at them, murdering a boy. Within the resulting days brawls between colonists and British soldiers in the long run finished within the Boston Massacre
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a protest that happened in December 16 1773, it happened at griffin wharfs in boston, british imposed taxation without representation so the americans were furious at them for it. 342 chests of tea that were imported by the British were dumped
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress was held together in Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, between September 5 and October 26, 1774. Delegates from having twelve of something of Britain's thirteen American communities join to talk over with another America's future below the growing British attack
  • Patrick Henry’s “Give me Liberty or give me Death” speech

    Patrick Henry’s “Give me Liberty or give me Death” speech
    “Forbid it, almighty god! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, donate me liberty”—Henry burst from his fanciful chains and got a handle on an ivory letter opener—“or donate me death!” As he expressed these last words, he dove the letter opener toward his chest, mirroring a cut blow to the heart.
  • The Ride of Paul Revere

    The Ride of Paul Revere
    What Really Happened all along Paul Revere's Ride? ... As Longfellow's highly expressive story tells a story, Revere glides in another direction and welcomes attention at Boston's North End, fighting across Back Bay (about the place Boston Common meets Charles Street contemporary) past the British boat H.M.S. Somerset, and oppressed on horseback to Mystic Village (contemporary Medford).
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    The Second Continental Congress was a conference of delegates from the 13 communities that made Philadelphia fashionable May 1775, at another time the send off of the American Revolutionary War. It attain good outcome the First Continental Congress, that join middle from two points September and October of 1774
  • George Washington named Commander in Chief

    George Washington named Commander in Chief
    Introduction. The Continental Congress bid the task of George Washington as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army ahead of June 19, 1775. Washington happen picked over different person desiring political office in the way that John Hancock establish welcome former military knowledge and the hope that a person who guides from Virginia preserve fruit help combine the community
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    England wanted to pay their troops in the colonies, so they passed the Stamp Act. It put a tax on papers, documents, and other stuff. If the colonists didn’t pay, they were punished unfairly without a jury. The colonists hated this act. For them, it was an example of “taxation without representation.”