Pre-rev timeline

  • French & Indian War

    7 year war; fought for power over North America, caused extreme debt for England
  • 1st Quartering Act

    Saved England money on housing and food and allowed for protection for the colonists (although they didn't want it)
  • Stamp Act

    Act that required any official papers or documents to have a stamp from England on them; used to pay back debt from 7 year war
  • Townshend Acts

    Series of Acts that taxed different kinds of goods imported to the colonies
  • Boston Massacre

    First "big" altercation between colonists and British soldiers; Very over-exaggerated
  • Tea Act

    Prevented the downfall of the British East India Company; Caused an extreme monopoly on the importation and exportation of tea
  • Intolerable Acts

    Series of Acts used to punish the colonies for the Boston Tea party; Boston Port Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Administration of Govt. Act, 2nd Quartering Act, and the Quebec Act
  • Lexington & Concord

    Two battles fought between the English and the colonists that began with the British soldiers' motive to seize a large amount of weapons stashed by the colonists
  • Second Continental Congress

    Meeting between delegates from the 13 colonies that began a plan for the revolution and the real start to the United States
  • Declaration of Independence

    Letter written from the colonies to the English declaring a motion towards independence from the mother country