LCD Projector
As the demand for projectors grew, Buhl Industries was founded in 1953, and became the leading US contributor for several optical refinements for the overhead projector and its projection lens. Overhead projectors began to be widely used in schools and businesses in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Personal Insight : It will use to filming and projecting movies. -
Printing Press using Wood Blocks
Woodblock printing (or block printing) is a technique for printing text, images or patterns used widely throughout East Asia and originating in China in antiquity as a method of printing on textiles and later paper. As a method of printing on cloth, the earliest surviving examples from China date to before 220 AD.
Personal Insight : There are lots of printing press in our country , they will enhance the materials to make a good product. -
News Paper
Newspapers began circulating in the 17th century. The first real newspaper in England was printed in 1665. The first successful daily newspaper in Britain was printed in 1702. The first American newspaper was printed in 1690.
Personal Insight : News Paper use to know the daily happen in our surroundings . -
Steam Engine
The first steam engine, invented by Thomas Savery in 1689, was a form of pump, used to remove water from mines. In 1712, Thomas Newcomen invented a steam-operated pump with pistons. From the 1760s, James Watt improved on Newcomen's ideas and produced more efficient steam engines.
Personal Insight : it will use the major power source of Industrial Revolution . it convert the heat energy to mechanical energy. -
Developed in the 1830s and 1840s by Samuel Morse (1791-1872) and other inventors, the telegraph revolutionized long-distance communication. It worked by transmitting electrical signals over a wire laid between stations.
Personal Insight : It will use to communicate in early 1900s . its like fax in our generation today . -
The first typewriter to be commercially successful was invented in 1878 by Americans Christopher Latham Sholes, Frank Haven Hall, Carlos Glidden and Samuel W. Soule in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, although Sholes soon disowned the machine and refused to use or even recommend it. ... This was the origin of the term typewriter.
Personal Insight : Until Now we will use a typewriter in working or in job . -
Motion Picture with Sound
The first known public exhibition of projected sound films took place in Paris in 1900, but decades passed before sound motion pictures were made commercially practical. ... The first feature film originally presented as a talkie was The Jazz Singer, released in October 1927.
Personal Sight : It will use by making a film , it use in creating an audio movies and recording . -
Large Electronic Computer
The earliest attempt to build an electronic computer was by J. V. Atanasoff, By 1941 he and graduate student Clifford Berry had succeeded in building a machine that could solve 29 simultaneous equations with 29 unknowns. However, the machine was not programmable, and was more of an electronic calculator.
Personal Insight : It will calculate the electricity in the electrical devices. -
Televisions can be found in billions of homes around the world. But 100 years ago, nobody even knew what a television was. In fact, as late as 1947, only a few thousand Americans owned televisions
Personal Insight : The graphics of television was enhance every generation , black and white . now colored and have flat screen.. -
Mainframe Computer IBM
IBM mainframe. IBM mainframes are large computer systems produced by IBM since 1952. During the 1960s and 1970s, IBM dominated the large computer market. Current mainframe computer in IBM's line of business computers are developments of the basic design of the IBM System/360.
Personal Insight : It will use the employees in 1900's century . -
Transistor Radio
A transistor radio is a small portable radio receiver that uses transistor-based circuitry. Following their development in 1954, made possible by the invention of the transistor in 1947, they became the most popular electronic communication device in history, with billions[1] manufactured during the 1960s and 1970s.
Personal Insight: Transistor Radio use to listen news and music . -
n 1988, Compaq Computer introduced its first laptop PC with VGA graphics, the Compaq SLT/286. In 1989, the release of the NEC UltraLite was considered by some to be the first "notebook style" computer. It was a laptop size computer that weighed under 5-pounds.
Personal Insight :Today computer and laptops will use to communicate or search engine for faster transactions. -
The first GSM phone, the Nokia 1011, which went on sale November 9, 1992, also introduced text-messaging.And here’s where we preview the smartphone. When IBM’s Simon was released on August 16, 1994, it was a bit early to the game.
Personal Insight : This will use by sending a message but you couldnt surf in web . -
Online Video
Early days of the world wide web. Several container formats for streaming the first videos are released. Some sites, like Newgrounds,.Due to quality issues caused by low bandwidth and bad latency, very little streaming video existed on the World Wide Web until 2002 when VHS quality video with reliable lip sync became possible.
Personal Insight : There are lots of website now that gives more videos that will watch of people by just one click . -
a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group,that is written in an informal or conversational style.It’s generally recognized that the first blog was Links.net, created by Justin Hall, while he was a Swarthmore College student in 1994.at that time they weren’t called blogs, and he just referred to it as his personal homepage.
Personal Insight : In Our generations to day there are lots of blogger that makes people entertain and inspiration to others. -
Social Media Networks
The first recognizable social media site, Six Degrees, was created in 1997. It enabled users to upload a profile and make friends with other users. In 1999, the first blogging sites became popular, creating a social media sensation that's still popular today.
Personal Insight : Social Media Networks helps us to communicate to others who far away or live in other country . -
Acta Diurna in Rome
Acta Diurna (Latin: Daily Acts sometimes translated as Daily Public Records) were daily Roman official notices, a sort of daily gazette. They were carved on stone or metal and presented in message boards in public places like the Forum of Rome. They were also called simply Acta.
Personal Insight : I think In Our generation today we cant see a sculpture like that because its so hard to do it but it gives a legend in Rome -
ClayTablets in Mesopotamia
Clay tablet. In the Ancient Near East, clay tablets were used as a writing medium, especially for writing in cuneiform, throughout the Bronze Age and well into the Iron Age. Cuneiform characters were imprinted on a wet clay tablet with a stylus often made of reed (reed pen).
Personal Insight : This maybe use in our country by our ancestor in communicating and writing . -
Papyrus in Egypt
The papyrus of Egypt is most closely associated with writing - in fact, the English word 'paper' comes from the word 'papyrus' - but the Egyptians found many uses for the plant other than a writing surface for documents and texts.Papyrus is a plant which once grew in abundance, primarily in the wilds of the Egyptian Delta but also elsewhere in the Nile River Valley,
Personal Insight :In our modern world some country will still use a modern papyrus. -
Cave Painting
Cave paintings are a type of parietal art, found on the wall or ceilings of caves. The term usually implies prehistoric origin, but cave paintings can also be of recent production . The first painted cave acknowledged as being Paleolithic, meaning from the Stone Age, was Altamira in Spain. The art discovered there was deemed by experts to be the work of modern humans (Homo sapiens).
Personal Insight: In Our generation today there are lots of painting like that in our caves .