
  • war of 1812

    the war war of 1812 began in 1812 and ended in 1815. the war was a military conflict fought between the forces of the USA and the british empire.
  • John A. Macdonald arrived in canada

    he arrived in Canada in 1820 moving from scotland to kingston afterhis family became to poor to love in europe.
  • John A. Macdonald opened his own law office

    he opened his first law offcie in 1835 in kingston and left it for toronto in 1836
  • upper and lower canada udited with the provinces of canada

    upper and lower canada udited with the provinces of canada
  • rioting occured in montreal

    after a political debat rioting started in montreal to protest a gevenment desision
  • jonh a macdonald elected as the prime minister of the province of canada

    John A Macdonald became the first ever primeminister of Canada and was re elected 1 year after not being the primminister
  • ottawa was chosen as the capital of Canada

    Queen Victoria chose attawa as the capital of Canada because it was the only land big enough to settle on and it was near quebeca and ontario
  • construction of the parlement buildings begins

    in 1865 construction of the parlemant buildings began in ottawa canada.
  • the Assembly met at the parliament building for the first time

    the assembly of Canada met in the parlement buildings in otttawa for the first time to disscus the confeseration