Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was made over an agreement between the north and the south. Henry Clay, The Great Compromiser made up the compromise and it stated that Arkansas would be open to slavery and Maine would become a free state and from now on all territories that wanted to be free states had to be above a line at the direction of 36,30 -
The Nullification Crisis
Southern states felt that tariffs were unfair and only helped the northern states and the felt the law was unconstitutional, but the federal government denied South Carolina's argument and they threatened to secede so Henry Clay made up the Great Compromise -
Compromise of 1850
Congress had many debates with arguments after the war with Mexico they were arguing over if the territories won from Mexico would be slave states or free states. Henry Clay made up this compromise just like his other compromises and California would be admitted as a free state and Congress would not pass laws banning slavery from territories gained from Mexico. -
Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
This law was against the slaves and allowed people from the south to go and capture escaped slaves that have fled to the North, and this raised tensions in America over slavery and led to John Browns attack -
Bleeding Kansas 1855
5000 people from nearby proslavery Missouri came and voted for proslavery representatives in Kansas illegally. Anti-slavery opponents started their own government. John Brown murdered his proslavery neighbors -
Dredd Scott Decision
Dredd Scott decided to sue for his freedom from slavery and he was considered property of his owner and you could not take property away from a man in America without Due Process of Law -
Attack on Harpers Ferry
John Brown wanted slaves to fight for their freedom so he captured the Army's weapons in Virginia and armed the slaves, but Brown and his men were captured and this raised tensions in America over the slavery issue -
The Election of 1860
Abraham Lincoln an Abolitionist won the election of 1860 and since the southerner thought that he would abolish slavery the southern states started seceding from the Union