Pre American Revoution

  • Proclamation Of 1763

    England makes a law were the appalachian mountains are the temorary western boundary.
  • Parliment Passes Sugar Act

    Parliment passed a law making tax on molasses imported by colonists lower.
  • Parliment Enacts Stamp Act

    Parliment passes a law were tax was on almost all printed material in the colonies.
  • The Townshend Acts

    A set of laws were passed for British leaders to avoid the problems of the stamp act.
  • Boston Massacre

    A fight broke out between towns people and soldiers.The townspeople began to throw hard objects at the soldiers causing them to fire back and kill 5 colonists.
  • Samuel Adams Set Up A Commitee Of Response

    Samuel Adams assembled a commitee of response which is an organization used in earlier protests. The commitee circulated writings about colonists.
  • Boston Tea Party Occurs

    3 tea ships arrive in Boston harbor and a group of men dressed as Indians and threw 342 chests of tea into the sea.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    A law was passed to punish Massachutes for the Boston Tea Party were the Boston harbor was closed until colonists paid for the lost tea, town meetings were banned,they had to shelter soldiers in their homes,a permanent government was established in quebec,and french catholics were given religious freedom.
  • Battles At Lexington And Concord

    Red coats approach Lexington when they got their they were greeted with 70 minute men with muskets ready to fire at them.At the end of the battle 8 minut men lay dead.The redcoats marched to concord were minute men fired upon them. By the time the red coats Boston 73 were dead and 174 wounded. This was the spark of the american revolution.