
PR Language Policy Timeline

  • Spanish and English are granted official status.

  • Schools increased English

    Schools increased English lessons with the idea that it will become the official language. A yearly English exam was given in order to choose highly qualified teachers.
  • English becomes the medium of instruction in all grades.

  • Spanish is named the official language

  • Spanish as medium of instruction

    Spanish as medium of instruction in grades 1-8; English as medium of instruction in grades 9-12.
  • All Subjects are to be taught in Spanish, excluding English classes

  • Luis Munoz Marin re-establishes Spanish as the main language of instruction

  • Spanish would be the sole language of the island’s legal system

  • President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Titulo VII education law.

  • Department of Education applied funds

    1970’s the department of Education applied funds for students who return from the United States. This is known as “Educacion Bilingue”
  • Lau V. Nichols

  • Projects for Bilingual Education

    Projects are developed for bilingual education in schools Padre Rufo and Pope John XXIII.
  • United States Congress

    United States Congress authorizes that Bilingual Projects are remain focused to teach those students who return to Puerto Rico from the United States.
  • Bilingual Education is stabilized and is no longer considered a “Program”

  • 3 Universities are assigned English Programs

  • The “Spanish Only” legislation is approved

  • Dr. Pedro Rosello

    Dr. Pedro Rosello established an official act where English and Spanish will be considered the official languages of Puerto Rico
  • English Immersion Program

    English immersion program made their way into Puerto Rican schools, under the “Project to Create a Bilingual Citizen.”
  • The No Child left behind Act is enforced

  • “Generation Bilingual” Is enforced by Governor Luis Fortuno