PP Timeline

By Jaketa
  • Research

    I will be researching to increase my knowledge of the topic and gain a better understanding of how football helps children learn about life and how it effects there body.
  • Period: to

    PP Project

  • Project CRITERIA submission + Basic Timeline

    Please submit the criteria for your project.
    - PDF file only
    - Follow the template given pages 11 & 12 of the ebook Create or draw a basic timeline for June-July-August
    - Upload as a journal entry (screenshot, file or link)
    - Follow the guidelines given page 13 of the ebook
  • School Ends

  • Videoing for filling up empty space in documentary

    This is for extra video purposes, In case I dont have video in the back ground It will be useful to have extra video footage to be safe
  • Editing footage

  • Writing script

  • Recording Voice over (script)

  • Keep in touch with PP superviser.

    Talk with superviser, ask questions about research and keep informed about deadlines. Also receive feedback on the video.
  • Research for the report

  • Look at Report

    If informed well about the function of the report start writing.
  • Continue on finishing report

  • Submission of 5 photos/screenshots/link to the finished PRODUCT on Managebac

  • Submission of Written Report - section A (including A1, A2 and A3)

    • Follow the attached guidelines
    • Write a minimum of 500 and a maximum of 700 words
    • Submit a PDF file only!