Postmodernism and post war timeline

  • End of WW2

    End of WW2
  • Korea splits in to North and South at the DMZ

    Korea splits in to North and South at the DMZ
  • "Lord of the Flies" is published by William Golding

    "Lord of the Flies" is published by William Golding
  • Vietnam War begins

    Vietnam War begins
  • Russian's place Sputnik in to orbit

    Russian's place Sputnik in to orbit
  • Catch-22 is published by Jospeh Heller

    Catch-22 is published by Jospeh Heller
  • JFK assassinated in Dallas

    JFK assassinated in Dallas
  • MLK Jr. assassinated

    MLK Jr. assassinated
  • Neil Armstrong is the first man on the moon

    Neil Armstrong is the first man on the moon
  • Last US combat in Vietnam, The Watergate scandal

    Last US combat in Vietnam, The Watergate scandal
  • Ronald Reagan elected president of US

    Ronald Reagan elected president of US
  • Treaty between Gorbachev and Reagan ban nuclear missiles

    Treaty between Gorbachev and Reagan ban nuclear missiles
  • Berlin Wall torn down

    Berlin Wall torn down
  • George Bush elected president

    George Bush elected president
  • Bill Clinton elected

    Bill Clinton elected
  • Toni Morrison wins Nobel Prize for literature

    Toni Morrison wins Nobel Prize for literature
  • Summer Olympic games held in Georgia

    Summer Olympic games held in Georgia
  • 9/11 Terrorist plane attack on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and PA. Many deaths

    9/11 Terrorist plane attack on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and PA. Many deaths
  • George Bush re-elected

    George Bush re-elected
  • oil spill in Gulf of Mexico

    oil spill in Gulf of Mexico
  • Osama Bin Laden is killed

  • Donald Trump elected as president

    Donald Trump elected as president