• Chinese Nationalists out the last emperor, Puyi

    The Chinese had already been having revolutions before this, however they left the Emporer alone in the forbidden city, but in 1911 they finally ousted him from his throne.
  • World War I begins as Austra declares war on Serbia

    The Austrian crown prince was visiting Serbia to show support for putting down the rebels when he was assasinated. This greatly angered the Austrians, so they declared war.
  • U.S. Enters the war

    The U.S. had been pushed by many different factors such as the sinking of the Luscitania, the English owing them money, and the English propaganda of the Zimmerman telegram, until they finally joined the war on the side of the Allies.
  • Armistice signed as Allies defeat Central Powers

    A German general signed the Armistice, or a agreement to cease-fire, while on a train because he knew they were losing.
  • Gandhi leads Indian campaign of civil disobedience

    Gandhi used various tactics of non-violent protests and boycotting in an effort to gain better rights and independence from Britain.
  • Mustafa Kemal transforms Turkey into Republic

    Mustafa Kemal, a general who had driving the English-backed greeks out of Turkey when defeat was imminent, used his new power to rid Turkey of the Sultans and become president, passings many reforms.
  • Mae Zedong heads the Long March

    Jiang Jieshi gathered an army of 700,000 men and surrounded the Communist's mountain stronghold. Realizing defeat, the Communist Party leaders realized that they faced defeat. The 100,000 Communists then fled on a 6,000 mile journey.