Genocide of the 20th Century

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    genocide of the 20th century

  • Turkish army

    in 1914, 40 000 of Armenian men serving in the turkish army were rounded up and made into slave labours. Under the work conditions, they had ahigh death rate. Many survivers were shot and killed.
  • Extermination

    The death marches that included over a million Armenian people, covered hundreds of miles and many months. The people on the marches had a limited supply of food and were denied anymore. The Armenians were tortured on these marches. Up to 75% of the people died in many ways while marching. The Allied powers issued a warning to the Turkish government, but it had no effect. There was a temperary relief when russian troops attacked. But the withdrew in 1917.
  • Extermination orders

    The round up of Armenians began on April 24, 1915. 300 Armenian men were taken and killed. Next was the roundup and killing of Armenian men around the country. Turkish soldiers, police and volunteers comitted the crime. Armenian women, children and the elderly were taken to death marches. Muslim turks took the belongings and some armenian boys were taken and converted to become Christians and Muslims.
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    Armenians in Turkey

    1 500 000 deaths
    armedian genocide
  • Advancing Turkish troops

    The Turkish army attacked an area in hopes to expand their land and kill Armenians. Around 100 000 Armenians died. Soon the Armenians gathered weapons and repelled the Turkish invasion. this lead to the independecy of the Republic of Armenia.
  • End of World War 1

    The leaders of the Turkish government resigned and fled to Germany. Armenian activist located the Young turks and assinated them. New nationalist leader of Turkey refused to sign the treaty the Allied forces brought forth and the Armenian republic collasped.
  • Famine in Ukraine continued

    The famine caused total choas. people were dying, ate leaves, cats, dogs and even their own children.
  • Famine in Ukraine

    By mid 1932 75% of the farms in Ukraine had been collectivized.
    Food was being shipped out to the Soviet army until the Ukrainians had no food left for themselves. The food grown were sold so Stalin could build up the Soviet army. Stalin block any food from entering the country and also took all the food the people had. The food was considered the government's property. Ukraine became a giant concentration camp.
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    Ukraine famine

    7 000 000 deaths
    ukraine famine
  • Hitler comes to power

    Adolf Came to power in Germany in January of 1933. He blamed everything on the Jews. He slowly began stripping away Jewish people of their rights and freedoms. This all led up to 1935 when the Nuremberg laws were taken place. Hitler and the Nazis used properganda to show that Jews were enemies of Germany.
  • famine effects

    Around 25 000 people were dying each day. Villages were perishing. Any food supplies sent to Ukraine were halted and people could be arrested just by saying the words famine, starvation, etc.
  • Western countries ingnore

    The western countries developed a passinve attitude towards the famine. The United States even made a new trading agreement with the Soviet Union and soon they were in the League of Nations. by the end of 1933 25% of the Ukrainian population had perished.
  • Rape of Nanking

    The Japanese army marched into Nanking and kille 300 000 civilians. That was half the population. This represented the worst atrocity of World war 2. The japanese had marched 50 000 into Nanking. Although Nanking greatly outnumbered the Japanese troops they were onorganized and stood no chance. After four days of battle Japan went into the city.
  • Rape of Nanking continued

    The Japanese had the mentallity to kill all captives. They were taught to brutally kill and rape the men and women. they started with the killing of the men. After movin on to the women. Countless women were raped and killed. The Japanese even forced family members to rape another. The Army took pleasure of the suffering of others.
  • Period: to

    Rape of Nanking

    300 000 deaths
    a href='' >Rape of Nanking </a>
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    6 000 000- 11 000 000 deaths
    ref='' >Holocaust</a>
  • The war begins

    German troops invaded Poland. Polish Jews were rounded up and put into ghettos. 10 of thousands of Jews died of hunger and disease whilein these ghettos.
  • Concentration camps

    The Nazis began building Auschwitz. Hitler continued invading other countries and rounded of the Jews.
  • Mass killing begins

    the Jews were to be rounded up and sent to concentration camps to be exterminated. As new camps becames operational more Jews were sent to be gassed. Every detail was planned perfectly. Men and women were seperated and sent in the gas chamber to be killed. Jewish slaves were to rid of the corspes. The took all valuables before burying or creamating the bodies. the jewish people had no idea that they were being sent to their deaths.
  • The first Libertation.

    The Soviets liberated the first camp on July 24, 1944.
  • proof of the holocaust

    The nazis invited the Red cross army to inspect th ghettos. They made sure that everything was fine their. After the army left, the Jews were sent to be gassed. As more reports of the Holocaust reached the western world, the Nazis made sure the proof was gone.
  • Auchawitz liberated

    The Soviet troops reached Auchawitz on January 27,1945. Now the Nazi regime became apperent to Britain and the United States. They had found the edvidence.
  • Hitler's suicide

    Adolf Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945. 22 of the surviving Nazis in charge were charged with crimes against humanity.
  • Pol Pot in power

    Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge army marched into Phnom Penh and took control of Cambodia. Pol Pot began a radical experiment to create an agrarian utopia inspired in part by Mao Zedong. He wanted to satrt his own great leap forward. He wanted to purify the world, to start over. Cambodia was sealed from the rest of the world. All of Cambodias cities were evacuated. 2 million citizens were evacuated, 20 000 died. the Cambodians were forced to do slave labour. They began dying.
  • Pol pot in power continued

    People worked 18 hours and were starved to death. Pol Pot wanted to get rid of the old society. the educated, the wealthy, Buddhist monks, police, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and former government officials. Ex-soldiers were killed along with their wives and children. People who did not believe in Pol pots beliefs were also killed.
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  • Vietnam attacks

    vietnam lauched an attack on Cambodia in hopes to stop the Khmer Rouge border attacks.
  • Pol Pot disposed

    Phnom Penh fell and Pol Pot was deposed. Pol pot retreated to Thailand and died at the age of 73 due to heart attck.
  • Bosnia killing

    Bosnia had been reconized as an independant country. The Bosnian serbs attacked Sarajevo, sniping down innocent people on the streets. 3 500 children died. The muslims were out gunned. Soon the were rounded up and killed in camps. The called this ethnic cleansing. The UN prohibited their troops to intervene with the killings.
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  • The world turns around

    The media had broadcasted the killings happening in Bosnia. The world had called for a stop to the Genocide. Bill Clinton made efforts to stop the mass killing. The Serbs attaked UN peackeepers, even taking hostages and making then as sheilds.
  • Rwanda Genocide

    In 100 days 800 000 people were slaughtered. The Hutu people tried to exterminate the Tutsis. 10 000 people were killed a day. A small jet carrying the two presidents was shot down. Hutu extremists began to target tutsis. Hutus killed tutsis with machetes, clubs and guns. Due to 10 belgium peacekeepers being murdered, many countries began evacuating their own men out of the country. The UN made sure not to label the crime as genocide, ignoring the crime against humanity.
  • Rwanda genocide continued

    Hutu extremist raped tutsi women, made own family members kill eachother and violently hacked away on innocent neighbors. The UN had only left behind around 200 peacekeepers, with no orders to take any action.
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  • NATO bombing campaign

    The US lead the NATO bombing campaign targeting the Serb's artillery in Bosnia. Half of Bosnia was taken by the Muslim-Croat troops.
  • Peace Talks

    Serb leaders traveled to the Us to negotiate peace talks. After three week they finally came up with a decision.