Post War timeline facts

  • Indian independence

    Indian independence
    this happened because of parliment in United Kingdom and when india became two independent dominions of india and packistan
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The Berlin airlift was the first internatonal crses of the cold war. germany,UK,US,and france was in it.
  • Creation of Israel

    Creation of Israel
    David Ben-Gruion established israel as a state the U.S. said they would not intereven unless they talked to the Arabs and the jews.
  • Koean War

    Koean War
    It all started when north Korea crossed the 38th paralle.This was the first military action of the cold war.
  • Bay of the Pigs

    Bay of the Pigs
    the Bay of the pigs was a uprising against fidel castro
  • khomeini is leader of iran

    khomeini is leader of iran
    had to deal with resistance from the shah and still tryed to get rid of the shah
  • USSR invades Afghanistan

    USSR invades Afghanistan
    USSR sent thousands of troops then had to deal with a cvil war in Afghan.
  • Assassination of egyptian president Sadat

    Assassination of egyptian president Sadat
    killed by four army men
  • Tiananmen Square protest

    Tiananmen Square protest
    this was where peotesters made a blockade to keep the army truks back and the tanks
  • Fall of the Berlin wall

    Fall of the Berlin wall
    New leaders of east germany attempts to restore stability by allowing people to leave.Results in collapse of communist party.