Post-French & Indian War: Acts of Parliament

  • The Proclamation of 1763

    This Proclamation of 1763's purpose was keep good relations with the Native Americans and to limit the areas that the colonists were permitted to settle. The colonists were only allowed to settle on the east side of the Appalachian Mountains. This proclamation granted several rights to the natives that they had not gotten before. For example they were allowed to live and hunt on any land not settled by the colonists.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act placed a higher tax on goods such a sugar, coffee, and some wines. It also limited the amount of iron and lumber being exported. This was impactful because it cost the colonists lots of money on everyday items and greatly effected all colonists not just merchants.
  • The Currency Act

    The Currency Act was as an act established by the British Parliament that regulated how much paper money was allowed to be issued to the colonies. This kept the British merchants from receiving money from colonists that was depreciated and not equal to how much they sold their products for. This once again made trading more difficult for the colonists.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act was enacted by the British Parliament and required the colonists to house the British soldiers. If the colonists didn't have room for the soldiers then they had to let them live in their barns or ale houses. This angered the colonists because they felt it went against their rights. They wanted to be asked to house the soldiers not told. They rebelled against the act by not letting the soldiers live in their houses.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act was an act that placed a tax on stamps and forced pieces of paper with official writing and use to have a stamp and be taxed. Basically any piece of paper that wasn't scrap paper had to have a stamp and tax put on it. It also placed taxes on some other things such as dice and playing cards. The act was repealed due to the boycotting of colonists and the loss of money for Britain
  • The Declaratory Act

    This act was passed about the same time as the Stamp Act was repealed. This act was created to put American Colonies completely under the rule of the British Parliament. It put British rules over any American rules and it treated the colonists like English citizens. The colonist considered this act a victory because it was put in to replace the Stamp Act. The colonists considered the Declaratory Act as a good thing considering Parliament got rid of the Stamp Act.
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    The Townshend Acts

    These were 5 acts that were passed by the British Parliament in an attempt to control the colonists and put them completely under Britain's rule. The first act, the Revenue Act placed taxes on the imported goods to America from Britain. The other four acts were The Commissioners of Customs Act, The Indemnity Act 1767, The Vice Admiralty Act, The New York Restraining Act.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre took place because of rising tension between the colonists and the British soldiers. The colonists were angry because they didn't like the constantly enforced rule by the soldiers so they attacked them and British loyalist. The resulted in several deaths and many injuries.
  • The Tea Act

    This act was created to keep a tax on the colonies since the Townshend acts had been repealed. The tax was used to keep Britain out of debt, not to anger the colonists. The act was protected because it was under Britain's right to tax the colonists since they were under Britain's rule. This act not only effected the colonists but also the British merchants that were trying to trade with the colonists. It caused several companies to lose lots of money and caused some companies to go bankrupt.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was a protest that took place because the
    American colonists were angry with the heavy tea taxes. The colonists snuck onto several ships that were carrying tea and dumped the boxes over the ledge into the water. This ruined the tea and caused an uproar between Britain and the colonists.
  • The Administration of Justice Act

    This act was created as a punishment for the colonists in Boston, Massachusetts because of their behavior and the Boston Tea Party. The act gave a governor from England control over Boston instead of the people. Britain had thought that the act would help keep other colonies in line but it didn't. The other colonies felt bad for Boston. The act also grew tension because the colonists figured that if Britain put control on Boston then they would soon control the other colonies too.