Period: 330 to Feb 5, 1453
Byzantine Empire- Africa
The byzantine Empire originated as the eastern half of the classical roman empire. They inherited roads, communications, Lines of authority, and a set of functioning imperial institutions. After losing Anatolia(their main source of grain,wealth, and military forces) to the Saljuqs their fate was sealed. Soon after they were completely absorbed by the Turks. -
Period: 589 to Feb 5, 618
Sui Dynasty- East Asia
-In 581 Yang Jian abdicated the Sui dynasty and the mandate of heaven from the son of his patron who had died not long before.
-He carried out extensive repairs of defensive walls, dispatched military forces to central Asia and Korea and forced high taxes among those he ruled over.
-High taxes and forced labor generated hostility toward Jians predecessor Sui Yangdi. In 6128 a disgruntled minister assassinated the emperor bringing the Sui dynasty to its end. -
Period: Feb 5, 618 to Feb 5, 907
Tang Dynasty - East Asia
-After the fall of the Sui dynasty a rebel leader seized Chang'an and proclaimed himself emperor, naming the Tang dynasty after his hereditary title.
-The dynasty maintained and extensive communication network based on roads, horses and at times human runners.
-After bringing Manchuria under imperial rule they forced the Silla kingdom and Korea to acknowledged the tang emperor as overlord.
-The Tang later suffered a series of extreme crisis eventually breaking the dynasty down to nothing. -
Period: Feb 5, 661 to Feb 5, 750
Umayyad dynasty- Middle East
- Began after the assassination of Ali
- Ranked among the most prominent of the Meccan merchant clans
- They allowed conquered Peoples to observe their own religion but issued a special tax called the jizya to those who did not transfer to Islam.
- The Umayyad caliphs began devoting themselves to luxurious living rather than zealous leadership. by mid century they faced resistance from the Shia faction, conquered peoples as well as Muslim Arab military leaders. This led to the dynasty's downfall
Period: Feb 5, 750 to Feb 5, 1258
The Abbasid Dynasty- Middle East
-The Abbasid Dynasty took the place of the Umayyad.
-They did not show favor towards the Arab military like their predecessors.
-Arabs continued to play a large role in government but Persians, Egyptians, Mesopotamian and others also rose to potions of wealth and power.
-Due to peasant revolts and Saljuq Turks invading and converting to Islam the Abbasid dynasty fell. by the mid eleventh century the saljuqs effectively controlled the Abbasid empire. -
Period: Feb 6, 751 to Feb 6, 843
Carolingian Kingdom - Europe
-The Carolingian's displaced the line f Clovis and asserted the authority of the central government.
-The kingdom reached its high point when it was ruled by the legendary conqueror Charlemagne.
- The Carolingian's had no navy and no means to protect their vulnerable areas so they were often fell victim to invasions.
-Because they couldn't defend their territory the military and political initiative moved more towards regional and local authorities. -
Period: Feb 6, 871 to Feb 6, 899
The Reign of King Alfred - Europe
-King Alfred ruled over England from 1871-1899. He succeeded his brother Aethelred and was succeed by his son Edward.
-He formed England's first navy.
-We know more about him than any other Anglo Saxon King.
-He promoted the development of the Anglo Saxon chronicle; Most likely to ensure that his legacy would be documented in history. -
Period: Feb 6, 889 to Feb 6, 1431
The kingdom of Axum - South Asia
- The Axum kingdom kept commercial ties with distant lands; and also traded regularly with Muslim merchants in neighboring. -The Axum managed to maintain their independence and prosperity mostly because of its deep rooted involvement with the trading networks of the Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. -During the fourth and fifth centuries Axumites adopted Christianity and established a distinctive church that maintained relations with christian communities in Egypt and the Mediterranean basin.
Period: Feb 5, 900 to Feb 5, 1450
Swahili city states- Africa
- Bantu settlers and Arab merchants interacted to form the city states
-Swahili city states were big trade centers in east Africa. The Swahili language is a mix of Bantu and Arabic. -Merchants traded gold, slaves ivory and pottery, glassware and textiles.
- Bantu settlers and Arab merchants interacted to form the city states
Period: Feb 6, 1206 to Feb 6, 1526
The Sultanate Of Dehli - South Asia
-The Sultanate Of Dehli ruled northern India for more than three centuries.
-During the fourteenth century the sultans of Delhi commanded an army of three hundred thousand and their state ranked among the most powerful in the Islamic world.
-Of thirty five sultans of dehli, nineteen were murdered by assassins.