Linnaeus Publishes Systima Naturae
Linnaeus establishes a medical practice
Comte De Buffon publishes L'histoire Naturelle
Comte De Buffon- Buffon's needle
Lamarck publishes Flore Francaise
Wallace publishes his theories on the geology of earth
Malthus publishes an article on the Principle of Population
Lamarck publishes Hydroeology
Malthus becomes a professor
Cuvier publishes the Recherches sur tes Ossemens fossiles des Quadrupedes
Cuvier publishes an essay on the theory of Earth
Lyell publishes the first volume of Principles of Geology
Darwin goes on the Beagle Voyage
Wallace publishes a paper on natural selection
Darwin publishes Natural Selection
Lyell publishes the Geological evidence of the Antiality of Man
Mendel's pea plant work was published
Mendel's ideas were pubically squashed
Weissman declares his belief that inheritance occurs in germ cells
Weismann contributes to the germ theory findings