Porreca Vocabulary Timeline

  • Desperately

    Return to the Isle of the Lost by Melissa De La Cruz
    "But speaking of the villains,it is very fortunate you understood our message to return to the island,as we desperately need your help in locating and outwitting them."[De La Cruz 189]. Desperately means in distress or need help.
  • Resistance

    Return to the Isle of the Lost Melissa De La Cruz "She accidentally gobbled a poisoned apple once or twice when she was a kid, so maybe she had some kind of Resistance"[De La Cruz 254].
    -When you refuse to do something .
  • Credentials

    Land of Stories,Chris Colfer."Besides ,anyone with the Internet connection flees the Credentials to critique or belittle anything these days"(Colfer 53).Credentials means achievement.
  • Mysterious

    Land of Stories, Chris Colfer."The twins surfaces in Mysterious water gasping for air"(Colfer 126).Mysterious means something different or puzzling.
  • Heirloom

    Land of Stories , Chris Colfer "An Heirloom for her atrocious daughter perhaps"(Colfer 235).Heirloom is a valuable object that has belonged to a family for several generations.
  • Blatant

    Land of Stories Chris Colfer "The resembence was so Blatant that they didn't think twice;Cinderella was a spitting image of her father"(Colfer 323). Blatant means something obvious.
  • Tidal

    Land of Stories (book 2) Chris Colfer "A gigantic Tidal wave was hurtling toward them"(Colfer 414). Tidal means a wave affected by tides.
  • Altitude

    Sisters Raina Telgemeier "Oh,Yes--That's from the Altitude"(Telgemeier 104).Altitude means above or below Sea level.
  • Discourteousess

    Land of Stories a Grimm Warning Chris Colfer "Their Discourteousess made the colonel scowl even harder"(Colfer 4). Discourteousess means rude and not cooperating.
  • Acquaintance

    The Land of Stories A Grimm Warning Chris Colfer "Many of the guards at the south gate even bowed to Alex, recognizing as an Acquaintance of the queen"(Colfer 114).Acquaintance means a friend of someone .
  • Catastrophic

    The Land of Stories a Grimm Warning, Chris Colfer "The death toll was catastrophic and everyone amused Genral Marquis and his men were among those who perished"(Colfer 170). Catastrophic involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.
  • emanating

    A Dog's Purpose 108-148
    "They radiated such love and joy it blinded them to the hate-filled currents emanating"(Cameron 148).An issue someone has with someone or something.
  • Subdued

    A Dog´s Purpose -Pg 164-201 "Subdued,not sure what we were doing, I stayed next to Jakob as he walked a few dozen yards, carrying flowers"(Cameron 196).
    Subdued means sad or depressed.
  • Tumbling

    A Dogs Purpose -pg -217-254
    "We burst into daylight,tumbling down a cement chute and landing with a splash in a swift-flowing river.Tumbling means falling sudenly
  • Stirred

    A Dog's Purpose -pg-265-End "After and hour,stirred"(Cameron 316).
    Stirred means move or cause to move slightly.
  • Astronomical

    Rejected Princesses pg 31-45

    "Part of the reason for Annie's amazing astronomical skills was that she was almost totally deaf"(Porath 42).
    Astronomical means relating to astronomy or stars.
  • Figuratively

    The Bad Beginning 20-71
    "It is very useful, when one is young,to learn the deference between "literally" and "Figuratively"(Snicket 68). Figuratively means saying something or doing something Metaphorically.
  • Polygamists

    Series of Unfortunate Events pg 93-136
    " If we were Polygamists"Klaus said"(Snicket 130).
    Polygamists are people marry more than one person at the same time.
  • Dwellers

    The Bad Beginning 157 - End Rejected Princess 49-63
    "Maybe you're familiar with mermaids as lovesick sea Dwellers who just can't get enough of hunky air-breathers"(Porath 59).
    a person or animal that lives in or at a specified place.
  • Preempt

    Reptile Room pg 31-79
    "Do you three know what Preempt means?" (Snicket 70).
    take action in order to prevent (an anticipated event) from happening.
  • Scheming

    The Reptile Room pg 88-159 "But her aching shoulder was a reminder that she couldn't just open the suitcase- it was locked, with a lock as shinny as Stephano's Scheming eyes "(Snicket 152). Given to or involved in making secret and underhanded plans.
  • Surreptitiously

    The Wide Window pg -19 - 35
    "The three Baudelaire youngsters looked at each other Surreptitiously.."( Snicket 35).
    In a way that attempts to avoid notice or attention; secretively.
  • Abhorrent

    The Wide Widow 117-180
    "Burning ants, of course, is an Abhorrent hobby .."(Snicket 180).
    inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant
  • Cystic Fibrosis

    Cystic Fibrosis
    Ghosts pg 5-end " Maya has Cystic Fibrosis a thing your born with"(Telgemeier 5). A disease that affects breathing and digestion.
  • Latitude

    Rejected Princess pg-73-79
    "Katie's popularity gave her latitude and power to support causes she felt strong about, and the one she put much of her weight behind women's suffrage"(Porath 78).
    scope for freedom of action or thought.
  • Humble

    Series of Unfortunate Events pg15-49
    "Well,I don't understand how three people as young as yourselves were put to work in the lumbermill, but please accept my humblest apologies.."(Snicket 48).
    having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.
  • Dismay

    Series of Unfortunate Events pg15-47
    "The Dismayed orphans looked at their reflections, and the Dismayed reflections looked back at them"(Snicket 47).
    consternation and distress, typically that caused by something unexpected.
  • Bootless

    A Series Of Unfortunate Events book 4 pg-70 -144
    " And Charles started to raise his hand to make a point, but he knew it would be Bootless.."(Snicket 137).
    (of a task or undertaking) ineffectual; useless.
  • Decontaminated

    Everything Everything 32-63

    " Also they have to be decontaminated, which is basically like getting like a high-speed air bath for about an hour" (Yoon 58).
    neutralize or remove dangerous substances, radioactivity, or germs from (an area, object, or person).
  • vital

    Everything Everything pg-85-150 "She took vital every hour instead of two and slumped down in relief each time the results were normal"(Yoon 147). absolutely necessary or important; essential.