
Pope Paul 3

  • Feb 29, 1468


    Pope Paul III was born in Canino, Italy. His birth name is Alessandro
  • Period: Feb 29, 1468 to Nov 10, 1549

    Pope Paul III

  • May 23, 1536

    Portuguese Inquisition

    Portuguese Inquisition
    The Portuguese Inquisition was the perseqution requested by the King of portugal. But after the death of the King, Pope Paul III took care of the Inquisition. The major target were the Jews who were converted into Christians but were suspected to be secretly practising Judaism. There were thousands Jew's dead, even if they were not practising Judaism. The Inquisition didnt stop in spain, but carried on till the late 18 century.
  • Feb 17, 1537

    Council of Trent

    In 1537, Pope Paul called a Council of Trent, it was made in Trento, Italy. It was made to deal with the Reformation.
  • Jun 2, 1537

    Ban of Native Enslavement

    To see what Pope Paul wrote about the Enslavement of the nativesIn June 1537, Pope Paul bans the enslavement of the native americans, Charles V of spain had already ban the enslavement of the Natives. Pope Paul had banned the enslavement after 7 years. Pope Paul declared that the natives also had soles and liberty to live. To see what pope paul wrote about the ban of enslavement of the natives, go to http://skepticism.org/timeline/june-history/6422-pope-paul-iii-bans-enslavement-native-americans.html
  • Dec 17, 1538

    Excommunicating King

    On December 1538, Pope Paul III had King Henry VIII excommunicated, King Henry VIII initial excommunication in 1533 by Pope Clement, but apparently there was a document that was left vague in order to make it easier for the king to return to the church if he chose to repent. King Henry was excomunicated because he wanted to end his valid marriage
    with Catherine of Aragon in order to marry Anne Boleyn. Catherine has been unable to provide Henry with a male heir, which was what Henry wanted.
  • Sep 27, 1540


    In september 1540, Pope Paul had givin an official aproval to the Jesuits.The Jesuits was a scociety of Jesus. However, he made a limit of 60 priests in one group.
  • Mar 21, 1542

    Properties for marranos

    In march 1542, Pope Paul III had garantied property rights for Jewish converting to Christianity or also known as Marranos, but forbidding them to have any contact with other jews or converts
  • Nov 10, 1549


    Pope Paul III sadly died in 10 november 1549. He was the first Pope for the Counter Reformation.