
Politics & Prose

  • Grand Opening

    Cohen and Meade open Politics & Prose at 5010 Connecticut Avenue
  • Storefront moves to 5015 Connecticut Avenue

  • Coffeehouse Opens

  • Merger with Cheshire Cat

    Politics & Prose merges with Cheshire Cat, a prominent children’s bookstore. Currently, the Children’s Department of Politics & Prose offers and sells a quantity of books that exceeds that of Cheshire Cat’s previous business efforts. Politics & Prose also hosts a number of events specifically designed for younger readers.
  • Cohen and Meade named Publisher's Weekly Bookseller of the Year

  • Coffeehouse changes ownership and is renamed Modern Times Coffeehouse

  • Cohen and Meade receive The Spotlight Award from Washington, DC's Round House Theater for contributions to the community and the arts

  • Cohen and Meade announce that they are selling Politics & Prose

  • Cohen and Meade receive the Legacy Award from the New Atlantic Independent Booksellers Association

  • New Ownership

    Bradley Graham and Lissa Muscatine purchase Politics & Prose
  • Cohen passes from cancer

  • Politics & Prose acquires an Espresso Book Machine

  • The first issue of Politics & Prose’s self-published anthology, District Lines, launches

  • Politics & Prose serves as the official bookseller for Library of Congress National Book Festival