Politics, Philosophy, and the Bible

  • 1800 BCE

    Abraham and his wife Sarah leave for the Promised land in Canaan.

    Abraham and his wife Sarah leave for the Promised land in Canaan.
    Date is a very rough estimate.
  • 1750 BCE

    The Code of Hammurabi is composed

    The Code of Hammurabi is composed
    It is the earliest preserved legal text. It is long and well-organized.
  • 1250 BCE

    Moses leads the Israelites out of Slavery in Egypt

    Moses leads the Israelites out of Slavery in Egypt
  • 1000 BCE

    The United Monarchy begins

    The United Monarchy begins
    It includes the rules of Saul, David, and Solomon.
  • 922 BCE

    The Divided Monarchy begins

    The Divided Monarchy begins
    Israel is split into two kingdoms, with Judah in the south and Israel in the north. Judah remain to be led by David's descendants, while Israel gets a new leader.
  • 800 BCE

    The Beginning of Ancient Greece

    The Beginning of Ancient Greece
  • 776 BCE

    The First Olympiad occurs in Greece

    The First Olympiad occurs in Greece
  • 753 BCE

    Rome is founded

    Rome is founded
    Legend has it that the twin sons of Mars, Romulus and Remus, founded the city.
  • 722 BCE

    The Northern Kingdom is taken over by Assyria

    The Northern Kingdom is taken over by Assyria
    Judah stands alone. They believe God saved them and celebrate.
  • 586 BCE

    Beginning of Babylonian Exile

    Beginning of Babylonian Exile
    Babylon conquers Judah. They force many people to move to new areas, where they are in exile. These Jews struggle to figure out how to live in a new land, as they believe that Israel was the land given to them by God.
  • 551 BCE

    Confucius is Born

    Confucius is Born
    Confucius is China's most famous philosopher and political theorist.
  • 539 BCE

    Babylon falls to Persia

    Babylon falls to Persia
    The Exile ends. People are sent back to Israel under the orders of King Cyrus, who says he was anointed by God to do this. Going back is difficult because the Israelites have been gone for a long time.
  • 509 BCE

    Rome becomes a republic

    Rome becomes a republic
    This meant that citizens could elect representative to advocate on their behalf.
  • 490 BCE

    The Battle of Marathon

    The Battle of Marathon
    Greece repels a Persian invasion, increasing their confidence.
  • 480 BCE

    Buddha is born

    Buddha is born
    Date is a rough estimate. Buddha was a philosopher and spiritual teacher of Ancient India.
  • Period: 470 BCE to 322 BCE

    Period of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

    This time period encompasses the lives of the the three most influential Greek philosophers. Their ideas have been very significant in the history of Western thought.
  • Period: 322 BCE to 165 BCE

    The Hellenistic Empire

    Greeks rule the land of Israel. This includes a period with Alexander the Great being in power.
  • 214 BCE

    The Great Wall of China begins to be built.

    The Great Wall of China begins to be built.
    It was designed to keep out invaders. It was a symbol of power.
  • 165 BCE

    Beginning of Independent Kingdom of Judah

    Beginning of Independent Kingdom of Judah
    The Jews rebelled against Greek rule. Hanukkah celebrates the recovery of Jerusalem due to this rebellion. They also dedicated the Second Temple
  • 27 BCE

    The Founding of the Roman Empire

    The Founding of the Roman Empire
    It began under the rule of dictator Caesar Augustus. It also means the end of the Roman Republic.
  • 6 BCE

    Jesus is born

    Jesus is born
    The date is an estimate, but it was likely within a couple of years.
  • 30

    The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

    The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
    The date is an estimate, but it was likely within a couple of years.
  • 46

    Apostle Paul begins his missionary journeys

    Apostle Paul begins his missionary journeys
    He wrote about his journeys in his many letters. In total, Paul's letters account for 28% of the New Testament.
  • Period: 60 to 90

    The Four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are written.

    Mark wrote his book first. Next, Luke and Matthew wrote theirs. John wrote his book last.
  • 70

    Romans destroy the Second Jewish Temple

    Romans destroy the Second Jewish Temple
  • 95

    The Book of Revelation is completed.

    The Book of Revelation is completed.
    This was the last book of the New Testament and therefore the entire Bible to be written.
  • 280

    Unification of Qin Dynasty

    Unification of Qin Dynasty
    The unification of the Qin dynasty in China creates the same geographic shape of modern China, the world's present day most populous country
  • 312

    The Emperor of Rome converts to Christianity

    The Emperor of Rome converts to Christianity
    In a very important development for the acceptance of Christianity, Constantine converts to the religion.
  • 380

    Roman Emperor declares Christianity to be the religion of the Roman Empire

    Roman Emperor declares Christianity to be the religion of the Roman Empire
    In another crucial development for the spread of Christianity, Theodosius I makes this announcement.
  • 476

    The Roman Empire falls

    The Roman Empire falls
    They lost too many battles to groups such as the Goths.