
  • 31 BCE

    the roman senate votes to give extraordinary(dictatorial) powers to octavian who changes his name to augustus

    the roman senate votes to give extraordinary(dictatorial) powers to octavian who changes his name to augustus
  • 5 BCE

    democracy develops in athens, greece

    democracy develops in athens, greece
  • john locke writes two treatises of government outlining some liberal political ideals

    john locke writes two treatises of government outlining some liberal political ideals
  • montesquieu writes the spirit of the laws

    montesquieu writes the spirit of the laws
  • ben frank writes to james park about iroquois league

    ben frank writes to james park about iroquois league
  • the continental congress adopts the declaration of independence

     the continental congress adopts the declaration of independence
  • the nation-state of canada is created through the passage of the british north america act, providing responsible government for the former colonies

    the nation-state of canada is created through the passage of the british north america act, providing responsible government for the former colonies
  • first secret ballot

    first secret ballot
  • lenin dies opening the door up for stalin to take control of the USSR

    lenin dies opening the door up for stalin to take control of the USSR
  • persons case

    persons case
  • hitler passes the enabling act

    hitler passes the enabling act
  • berlin blockade and consequent airlift increases tension

    berlin blockade and consequent airlift increases tension
  • world war 2 ends

    world war 2 ends
  • truman establishes the marshall plan to contain communist expansion

    truman establishes the marshall plan to contain communist expansion
  • creation of nato

    creation of nato
  • korean war starts

    korean war starts
  • creation of the warsaw pact

    creation of the warsaw pact
  • khrushchev calls for peaceful co-existence

    khrushchev calls for peaceful co-existence
  • the hungarian uprising

    the hungarian uprising
  • FN are granted suffarge

    FN are granted suffarge
  • berlin wall is built

    berlin wall is built
  • cuban missile crisis almost leads to a nuclear war between the superpowers due to brinkmanship

    cuban missile crisis almost leads to a nuclear war between the superpowers due to brinkmanship
  • the prague spring ends when the soviet union invades

    the prague spring ends when the soviet union invades
  • the nuclear non-proliferation treaty is signed

    the nuclear non-proliferation treaty is signed
  • helsinki accords provide a degree of detente during the cold war

    helsinki accords provide a degree of detente during the cold war
  • vietnam war ends

    vietnam war ends
  • the soweto uprisings in south africa protest the the majority tyranny laws that prevented black students from getting an education

    the soweto uprisings in south africa protest the the majority tyranny laws that prevented black students from getting an education
  • soviet invasion of afghanistan

    soviet invasion of afghanistan
  • solidarity trade union organizes the pro-democracy movement in poland

    solidarity trade union organizes the pro-democracy movement in poland
  • the reform party of canada is created

    the reform party of canada is created
  • berlin wall is torn down

    berlin wall is torn down
  • the warsaw pact is dissolved

    the warsaw pact is dissolved
  • START is signed

    START is signed
  • the soviet union ceases to exist

    the soviet union ceases to exist
  • the referendum on the charlottetown accord, which would include special rights for FN

    the referendum on the charlottetown accord, which would include special rights for FN
  • George W. Bush wins his first term

    George W. Bush wins his first term
  • president mugabe of zimbabwe blames the UK for the cholera outbreak in his country

    president mugabe of zimbabwe blames the UK for the cholera outbreak in his country
  • the harper government passes bill C-16

    the harper government passes bill C-16