Political Timeline

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    The Beginning

    The discovery of coronaviruses, versions in the past and their death tolls.
  • Coronaviruses

    Scientists first found a human coronavirus in 1965 that caused common colds. Later the same decade researchers found viruses of similar nature in both human and animals.
  • SARS

    SARS-CoV-1 emerged in 2002 in southern China. By July 2003, SARS spread to 28 other countries infecting 8,000 people and 774 dead. In 2004 a small outbreak involving four more cases happened. This version of of coronavirus caused fever, headaches and respiratory problems (coughing and shortness of breath).
  • MERS

    Started in Saudi Arabia in 2012. There was 2,500 cases with the majority of them being people who lived in or traveled to the Middle East. The symptoms include the same respiratory problems as SARS and kidney failure. MERS is less contagious than SARS, it's coronavirus cousin, but still more deadly with the death count of 858.
  • COVID-19

    SARS-CoV-2 the virus that causes COVID-19 originated in bats, experts say. Experts say that SARS-CoV-2 came from bats and made the jump from animal to humans at a Wuhan open-air "wet market". Wet Markets are where customers buy fresh meat and fish, some even sell wild/banned species like cobras, boars and raccoon dogs. This is discredited though because they didn't sell bats when the outbreak happened. Speculation on how COVID-19 really started began but none have found the real reason.
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    Global Pandemic

    February 2020 COVID-19 met 2 of the 3 requirements in order to be classified as a pandemic, illness resulting in death and sustained person-to-person spread. March 11 COVID-19 is declared a pandemic by WHO once it reached coverage over the whole world.
  • Travel

    January 20th U.S. airports began screening for Coronavirus. Three more cases where reported in Thailand and Japan which prompted the screening, with airports being chosen because the flights between Wuhan and the U.S. bring most passengers through them. February 2nd global air travel was restricted those who have to return home can but have to go through 2-week-home-based quarantine. March 13th Trump administration bans travel on non-Americans.
  • The Spread of COVID-19

    The Spread of COVID-19
    SARS-CoV-2 quickly spread both inside and outside of China infecting people who had no direct contact with animals. The virus was now being transmitted from one human to another. People were unwittingly catching and passing on the coronavirus, worldwide transmission, creating a global pandemic.
  • Wuhan Under Quarantine

    Wuhan Under Quarantine
    January 9th WHO, the World Health Organization, publicly announces the "Mysterious Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia" to the public. At this point there are 59 documented cases. January 23rd Wuhan was officially under quarantine and neighboring cities are restricted. At this point 359 people are infected with 17 dead.
  • Mask Mandates

    Mask Mandates
    Joe Biden, presidential nominee, called for each governor in the U.S. to mandate their citizens to wear masks when outside. After Biden's election into President he made mask-wearing a public requirement.