Period: to
Thirty Years War
The thirty years war a battle between many countries. It included places such as Sweden, Denmark, England, France, Spanish, Aurtia, and Hungry. Many countires did no t fight all thirty years nor did they all remain on the side they stated on. This war was fought for religious and political reasons. TI had many deaths and lasted thirty years hence the name the Thirty Years War. The result of the war was peace to some,the decline of countries and the rise of other countries. Countries also divided -
Petition of Right
The Petition Of Right was a document sent to King Charles the First by English Parliament in 1628. This was a type of complaint to the King and a way to justify the laws. The Petition of Right had four main points. These were: no taxation without the consent of Parliament, no imprisonment without cause, no quartering of soldiers on subjects, and no martial law in peacetime. This brought political change and was a new idea due to the fact that in most countries, leaders -
Habeas Corpus Act of Great Britain
The Habeas Corpus Act of Great Britain in 1679 established the guidelines for criminal trials and the treatment of people who had been accused, but not found guilty yet that were later reflected in the U.S. constitution. I was first established just as a way for people to be able to be brought into court to have a trial, but it eventually came a way to protect against illegal incarceration. The British parliament adopted this act during the rule of King Charles II in 1679. -
John Locke's Two Treaties of Government
John Locke's Two Treaties of Government is an essay about the true original, extent, and the end of civil government. It was a work of political philosophy published anonymously in 1689. The first treaty was an attack on the patriarchalism in the form of a written refutation of Robert Filmer's Patriarcha. The second treaty showed Locke's views of a more civilized society all about contract theory and natural rights. -
Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party took place on December 16, when a group of Massachusetts Patriots were protesting the outstandingly high taxes on American tea that was being imported through their ports by Parliament. The patriots protested by taking 342 chests of the tea from the boats and throwing them overboard during a midnight raid. This occurred on three of the ships and all of the 342 chests of tea were deposited into the harbor. -
Declaration of Independence
On July 4,1776 a document named the Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress.This document sated the separation of the British Colonies from Britain. It was a political movement in which many fought for their independence. It was signed by many political leaders that would also lead America in the future, such as Thomas Jefferson and John Hancock. Today, 2013, the Declaration of Independence is still implemented in the united -
3 Branches of Government
The three branches of government were implemented in 1782. The Branches are used to balance the power. These branches were the Legislative, Executive and Judicial.
Legislative: The Legislative branch is made up of the Senate and The House of Representatives, otherwise known as congress. This branch comes up with and votes on laws. They have the power to override the president along with the president being able to veto their ideas. They also declare war -
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
In 1792 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was written by Mary Wollstonecraft. In this time period it was one of many philosophers on the rise. In A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, it expresses Mary's views on woman's liberties and the fact that she believes woman should be entitled to education and a voice int community. Woman's views ,at this time, were not highly regarded and often disregarded. This book raised the worth of a Woman's insight and -
Napoleonic Code
The Napoleonic Code gave France a set of laws for the country to follow. Even though the laws sounded like they were giving citizens rights, they actually limited rights and liberty and promoted the laws and order over each citizens rights. This gave Napoleon the power to make himself emperor in 1804 and the French voters supported his decision, which later some would regret. -
Battle of Trafalgar
The Battle of Trafalgar was a fought by the royal navy against the combined fleets of the Spanish and French Navies. This took place during the war of the Third Coalition of the Napoleonic Wars. Twenty seven British ships defeated thirty three French and Spanish ships just west of Cape Trafalgar. French and Spanish fleets lost twenty-two ships while the British lost none. Tis battle was the most decisive naval victory during the war of the Third Coalition. -
Republican Party
The Republican Party Established itself in 1854. It is the biggest political party. Early on the Republican Party was against the extension of slavery to the country’s new territories and, ultimately, for slavery’s complete end. Later the party came to be associated with laissez-faire capitalism, low taxes, and conservative social policies. -
Boer War
In 1881, the Boers (those of dutch descent) went against the British and with the new Treaty of London, they won their independence. Uitlander's arrived in London and in 1899 a petition was addressed to the Queen and signed by near 20,000 Uitlander's. the Boers than built an army and prepared for war, the British did the same, but their army was substantially smaller. The Boers captured two British battalions and that forced them to surrender. But the British later called for back up, but it had