political conflicts, industrialization, and reform timeline.

  • James watts steam engine

    James watts steam engine
    Very advanced improvements to the steam engine, and his engine did not lose as much steam which made the improvement so major.
  • American revelation

    American revelation
    People of America were tired of the people of England ruling and taxing them they decided to revolt. A group of men got together and formed an army to win America's independence from England. The goal was no taxation without representation.
  • Edmund Cartwright

    Edmund Cartwright
    He made a crude power loom that significantly reduced the cost of production and increased factories' profits.
  • Samuel Slater, establishment of cotton mill

    Samuel Slater, establishment of cotton mill
    First American factory to successfully produce cotton yarn with water-powered machines. Eli Whitney invents a cotton gen to clean the cotton.
  • Rhode Island textile mills hires women to make cloth

    Rhode Island textile mills hires women to make cloth
    The mill desired workers needed to be young and intelligent, and the girls preferred to work in mills instead of family farms.
  • slaves become illegal to imported to U.S.

    slaves become illegal to imported to U.S.
    slaves were still sold and transported within the boundaries of the United States. but no brought into said states
  • war of 1812

    war of 1812
    The war between the United States and Great Britain was over the impressment of American sailors by the British navy over trade and the western expansion because of the native American policy.
  • Men and Women conduct first labor strike in textile mills

    Men and Women conduct first labor strike in textile mills
    Wages were reduced by five cents a day for female workers but not men who were already paid at a higher rate. The mill girls were finally driven to rebellion enacting the first women's strike in the United States.
  • founding meeting of the american anti slavery society

    founding meeting of the american anti slavery society
    The first of many meetings of the AA'SS. American anti-slavery society.
  • Cyrus McCormick mechanical reaper revolution

    Cyrus McCormick mechanical reaper revolution
    This made it possible to harvest large areas of grain much faster than could have been done by men wielding scythes. Because farmers could harvest more that would mean they could plant more.
  • Texas war of independence

    Texas war of independence
    A war between Mexico and Texas colonies resulted in the founding of the Republic of texas.
  • Mexican and American war

    Mexican and American war
    An innovation by the U.S. into Mexico regarding territory and the assumption of Mexican troops attacking the Americans on U.S. soil.
  • First women right convention is held

    First women right convention is held
    The Seneca Falls convention was held in a chapel. Took almost 100 years to pass any women's rights laws passed.
  • civil war

    civil war
    War between the North and the South regarding slavery, and the North wanting to be in control of the South.
  • Edmund Cartwright first wool combing machine

    Edmund Cartwright first wool combing machine
    This machine made the process of getting the wool ready for use very quickly and efficiently. Made it easier to be placed into products, upon further processing steps.