Napoleon Rule
After instituting himself as Emperor of France, Napoleon took great steps to equalize the poor with the rich. He signed the Concordat with the Pope in 1801, which while stating Catholicism as the main religion for France, also stated that the French could practice and choose their own individual freedom. He made food available for all and equalized the economy to be fair. -
Haiti Indepence from France
On January 1, 1804, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, a former slave declared Saint-Domingue, now known as Haiti, as a free nation. Saint-Domingue was under French attack led by Napoleon, whose intent was to re-institute slavery across the island. The forces led by Dessalines were aided by British forces, and won a significant victory in late 1803 leading to the declaration of independence by a minority and former slave. -
Slavery Abolition Act of 1833
This was the law put into place by King William IV. The purpose of this act had a couple of faces. One was obviously to cease the enslavement of human beings, second was to create an inflation in the market by creating apprenticeships for trades. This law also gave compensations to former slave owners. This law took roughly a year to enact. -
The First Opium War
The Chinese government refused shipments of illegal opium from Britain, due to the high volume of drug usage and the residual effects it was having on the Chinese. 20,000 chests of opium were dumped into the rivers. Over the next two years, Britain would beat down the Quing dynasty and increase its trade routes throughout ports all over China. -
Fugitive Slave Acts of 1850
This was an act that enforced the captured and return of runaway slaves back to their owners. There were rewards paid to those that returned the runaway slaves. Part of this act was also to enforce harsh punishments on those that aided the runaway slaves. During this time frame the underground railway was at its peak. -
Formation of the Republican Party, U.S.A.
The formation of this political party was done so by men apposed to the spreading of slavery. This party was key to the Civil War of the United States. The Republican party won the presidential election of 1856 with the election of Abraham Lincoln. Southern states soon seceded from the Union, causing the Civil War. -
Nightingale Training School for Nurses
In 1860, Florence Nightingale formed the Nightingale Training School for Nurses. This was all made possible by her heroic acts of caring done during the Crimean War. This was a way for girls of any background to achieve training in Nursing, so as to better themselves and their country. -
Emancipation of Serfs
Alexander II issued the emancipation of the serfs in Russia. This was to allow poor people and serfs to no longer be indebted to land owners. This gave them the right to live where they wanted, own property and provide a living for themselves even if it was a meager one. While this seemed like a good thing, it was done to boost opinions of Russia from the world and ended up making the poor poorer and the rich richer. -
13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
This is the amendment that actually abolished slavery or forced servitude without a criminal charge in the United States. -
Radification of the 14th Amendment
The United States of America adopted the 14th Amendment to the Constitution declared that all people born of or naturalized to the United States would have equal rights to privileges and protections of the laws. -
International Women's Rights Conference
Convened over a couple of weeks in 1878 coinciding the Exposition Universelle in Paris France. Women leaders and women suffrage rights activists met to discuss the equal rights sought by women world wide. Topics discussed were the right to vote, the governments aide to families, household politics. Most of these topics have not changed for years. -
Antisemitism and Wilhelm Marr
Wilhelm Marr turned his hatred and venom for his failing political career against the Jewish culture. Though this was not the first time that hatred for the Jewish culture happened in history, this is the first time that the term Antisemitism is used in the public eye. This would be a foundation for later events to occur, like the Holocaust. -
Land League in Ireland
This council was set up to help protect farmers from evictions and high rent. This was founded by Michael Davitt, son of an evicted farmer, who asked Charles Stewart Parnell, of the Irish Parliament, to be president of the Land League. The council set forth to enact the Gladstone Land Act of 1881. -
Plessy vs. Ferguson
The Supreme Court upholds the individual states of the United States of America, to create and determine the segregation of colors, clearly stating that the constitution was color blind and as long as all races had access to equal facilities that no injustices had been committed. -
Zionist Movement
The act that encouraged Jewish movement into the Ottoman Palestine. Theodor Hezl encouraged the foundation of the World Zionist Organization (WZO) which focused on smaller settlements of Jewish communities in Palestine