First Description of Polio
Michael Underwood, British physician, provides the first clinical description of polio. http://exhibits.hsl.virginia.edu/treasures/michael-underwood-1736-1820/ -
First U.S, Outbreak of Polio
First outbreak of Polio in the United States took place in Vermont. There were 132 reported cases and 18 deaths. Deaths were mainly young boys.
http://faculty.humanities.uci.edu/bjbecker/PlaguesandPeople/lecture17.html -
Identification of a Virus
Karl Landsteiner and Erwin Popper identify a virus as the cause of polio by transmitting the disease to a monkey.
Symptoms include:
Sore Throat
Neck/Back pain or stiffness
Arm/leg pain or stifness
Muscle weakness
Meningitis -
Large Epidemic in the U.S.
The polio virus hit New York City hard. There were over 9,000 cases and 2,343 deaths. The nationwide death toll was 6,000 and over 27,000 cases.
http://www.healthline.com/health/worst-disease-outbreaks-history#SpanishFlu5 -
Development of Iron Lung
Philip Drinker and Louis Shaw build the iron lung to help people with respiration issues. -
New Terror
In 1930 the second strand of the polio virus was found. Later ther wer determined to be three strands. Paralytic, Non Paralytic, and Sub Clinical which is the most common virus. -
The Trap
Scientists develop a filter to trap the polio virus. -
First Attempt at Vaccines
Maurice Brodie and John Kolmer test polio vaccines, with disastrous results. http://amhistory.si.edu/polio/timeline/ -
Development of the Vaccine
Dr. Jonas Salk is recruited by the University of Pittsburgh to develop a virus research program and receives grant to begin a polio typing project. He uses tissue culture method of growing the virus, developed in 1949 by John Enders, Frederick Robbins, and Thomas Weller at Harvard University. http://amhistory.si.edu/polio/timeline/
http://caucuttcaucus.com/2013/08/29/vaccinations-xers-playing-with-nature/ -
Vaccine is first used
Salk and his partners develop a safe non harmful vaccine for use. Using a dead form of the virus. -
Sounds of Joy
news of the success of the trials is announced by Dr. Thomas Francis in a formal press conference at Ann Arbor, Michigan, on April 12, the tenth anniversary of FDR's death. The news was broadcast both on television and radio, and church bells rang in cities around the United States. http://amhistory.si.edu/polio/timeline/ -
Last case as a Wild Virus
The last case of the Polio virus was found and it was known as a wild virus. -
Polio Virus Genome
The polio virus genome is published. -
The Campaign to stop it
Rotary International, PanAmerican Health Organization, World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, UNICEF begin international campaign to stop transmission of polio everywhere in the world.
http://amhistory.si.edu/polio/timeline/ -
Change of the Vaccines
Inactivated polio vaccine replaces the oral polio vaccine. -
50th Anniversary
VideoThe 50th year anniversary of the Salk announcement of a vaccine for polio.