

  • Pocahontas' Birth

    Pocahontas' Birth
    Pocahontas was born in Jamestown, Virginia.
  • Englishmen Arrive

    Englishmen Arrive
    the Englishmen settle in Jamestown in May 1607. Pocahontas' father, Chief Powhatan, did not come into contact with them until the winter of that same year. In the winter of 1607, captain John Smith was captured by Pocahontas' brother,
  • Captain in Danger

    Captain in Danger
    Captain John Smith was captured by the brother of Pocahontas. At his execution, in the split second before Smith was about to be executed, Pocahontas ran in and placed her head above his own to stop the execution. After this brave rescure, she was named a hero.
  • Pocahontas is Captured

    Pocahontas is Captured
    Samuel Argall kidnapped Pocahontas. This was ransom of the many Englishmen taken prisoner by Chief Powhatan, Pocahontas' father. She was considered a princess by whites and Indians, so when the news of her kidnapping had spread, many were outraged.
  • Clues

    John Chamberlain writes the first five of many letters of Pocahontas' whereabouts. Later, information was leaked that Pocahontas was located in London. These letters were addressed to Sir Dudley Carleton.
  • Christening of Rebecca

    Christening of Rebecca
    Pocahontas converts to Christianity. This is because she had stayed with the English and adapted with their cultures and traditions. She was baptized and gaven the Christian name Rebecca.
  • More Clues

    More Clues
    The first three editions of Samuel Purchas' important historical collection are published. The series was called "Purchas: His Pilgramige". The first three editions contained evolving information on Pocahontas' background and kidnapping. She was later freed by Samuel Argall.
  • Proposal

    John Rolfe, one of the early English settlers, writes to Governor Thomas Dale. He asked to marry Rebecca. The proposal was accepted.
  • Marriage

    Rolfe and Pocahontas were married, even though he was 10 years older than her. They were married in Jamestown, Virginia. Along with the blessing of the Governor of Virginia and Chief Powhatan.
  • Royal Baby

    Royal Baby
    The birth of Thomas Rolfe was the first recorded birth of a child born to a Virginian Indian Princess and an English gentlemen. This birth caused much commotion and boister among the country and villages.
  • Reunion

    Pocahontas vistits England along with the family. She is reunited with John Smith, the man she had saved earlier in her life, and the man whom he owes his life to her. She is praised throughout the country as a princess.
  • Death

    Pocahontas died on the way home from the visit from England. She passed in Gravesend, England and was buried on March 21, yet her name lived on as a hero.