Pocahontas 4


  • Pocahontas is born

    Pocahontas is born
    Pocahantas is born into the Algonquin tribe. She is the daughter of chief Powhatan. Her real name was Matoaka but she was called Pocahontas as a nickname.
  • Period: to

    Life of Pocahontas

  • Pocahontas saves John Smith

    Pocahontas saves John Smith
    John Smith was captured by a hunting party while exploring the land. The chief, Pocahontas's father, decided he was to be executed in a tribal ritual. During the execution of Smith, Pocahontas put her head over his so they could not continue.
  • Pocahontas Helps Colonists

    Pocahontas Helps Colonists
    Pocahontas contributed to the survival of the coloinsts. She often sent them food and had large feasts. She served as a trading system between the colonists and her tribe. She even warned the English about an ambush by her father.
  • Bad Relationships

    Bad Relationships
    Pocahontas had befriended Jamestown settler, John Smith. Her people did not have a good relationship with the colonists so she could no longer visit Jamestown or her friend. John was injured in an explosion and her people kept Pocahontas away by telling her John Smith had died.
  • Pocahontas Marries Kocoum

    Pocahontas was told that John Smith had died in a gunpowder explosion so she ran away. She then married a Pamunkey man named, Kocoum. They settled in the Potomac Region.
  • Pocahontas is Captured

    Pocahontas is Captured
    A group of colonists and indians brought Pocahontas to their ship that was docked at the Potomac River. The colonists took her to Jamestown and held her captive. She was converted to Christianity and baptized as Rebecca.
  • Battle Between English and Natives

    Battle Between English and Natives
    A battle started between the English and the Native Americans. The English were burning down villages and killing many of Powhatan's men. During the battle, Pocahontas confessed her love for John Rolfe to Powhatan and he gave his consent for the marriage.
  • John Rolfe and Pocahontas Get Married

    John Rolfe and Pocahontas Get Married
    When Pocahontas was captured, John Rolfe fell in love with her. They got a blessing from her father and the governor so they decided to get married. This marriage created peace between the colonists and the Powhatans. They ended up living on Rolfe's farm for 2 years.
  • Thomas Rolfe is Born

    Thomas Rolfe is Born
    Pocahontas gave birth to Thomas Rolfe. This was her and John's first child.
  • The family travels to England

    The family travels to England
    Pocahontas and her family traveled to England. There she got to meet the king and queen. She was considered a visiting princess and received with royal honor.
  • Pocahontas and John Attend English Festivities.

    Pocahontas and John Attend English Festivities.
    While they were visting England, Pocahontas and her husband attended balls and plays. Pocahontas was very well mannered which surprised many English. She even got her portrait painted by Dutch artist, Simon van de Passe.
  • Pocahontas Dies

    Pocahontas Dies
    Pocahontas dies at age 21 when she was on her way back to Jamestown from England. She ended up getting tuberculosis while she was still on the boat. She was buried in Gravesend, England at St. George's church.